Hi, Sammy. Welcome to the group. It is great that you decided join our online family by sharing your story. I know how heart-breaking it must have been for you. Experiencing two losses in a row is surely heart-breaking itself. However, It is great that you understand, at 43, pregnancy, although possible, is usually difficult. I am happy to hear that you understand the difficulties that come with age. I have been TTC for 4 years now, I know it sounds so saddening. But, I am trying to keep myself sane by being positive about it. I also think you have great chances of success this time. I hope so. Regarding positivity, you could not be more right on this one, though. As usual, it is key to stay positive. Anyways, sorry if I had rambled on too much. I wish you the very best of luck. I hope everything will work out for you this time. IVF, can really be effective for you right now. Sending you baby dust, SAmmy.