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Fear of infertility

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    God, i’m terrified that when it comes down to it there are going to be problems getting pregnant. I wonder if anyone else feels the same way. As you can see from my ticker myself and my DH have only been trying for 2 weeks. Which isn’t nearly enough time for my cycles to get back to normal. Whatever that is anyway. And off course i need to give it time. But i seem to be one of those people where everything goes wrong. And i’m totally afraid that this is going to be one of these times. I totally wish that i hadn’t even started taking the pill. As it could have been masking god knows what over the years. I really do think that more women should be made more aware of what it could possibly do in the future. Sorry for the downbeat post i guess its just my insecurties coming to the surface again. Can anyone encourage me at such a period. Perhaps maybe some positive stories I can hear. Or perhaps there are other people going through a similar situation.


    Fear, not Trisha, don’t obsess over it. Sooner you will be sharing your BFP here. The fear is real though. The road is rough and tough. The key to success is to be hopeful and have faith in God. There is a perfect for everyone. Yours will be too. If you stress too much, see a doctor for assurances. This would limit your fears. Lost of baby dust!!


    Hey. You will be fine hopefully. I hope everything will be fine. I am sorry for you. I know you must be worried about yourself. Every woman wants to have a big family. It might be hurtful. But dont worry about it. If there might be any infertility there are many solutions for it. You can go for infertility treatments. I am also an infertile woman. But I found the best way to have babies. I had 3 miscarriages and after that, I was not able to conceive babies. I was so upset but I knew that there might be some way to have babies. I found about surrogacy. I went for it to a clinic in Europe. I have a daughter now. I am so happy to have a family. I am planning to have another baby soon.


    That’s really a moment to worry about. Every sixth couple is facing infertility issues. Birth control pills can seriously affect the hormones. I will suggest you make an appointment with the infertility expert. They will better guide you. according to my opinion you are facing failures because of those pills. I hope after taking the necessary measures you will be able to conceive. Wish you very best of luck.

    Jessica fields

    No need to worry honey. The fear is real I know. Just be positive. It will help in conceiving. I am sure everything is fine with you. You will get the good news soon.Baby dust your way love XOXO


    The fear of infertility can stop you from overcoming fertility problems. Some couples don’t know if they’re dealing with infertility issues. Because they haven’t overcome their fear of finding out about infertility! Fear grows in darkness. If you think there’s a boogeyman around, turn on the light. Overcoming the fear of infertility involves shedding light on the problem. The more you know about infertility causes and treatments. The less fear you’ll have. Because you’ll be able to take action! We’re all at different place on this infertility roller coaster. Some couples have tried for 10 years to get pregnant. While others are just starting to wonder if they might have infertility issues. To overcome your fear of infertility. Don’t scare yourself by imagining uncomfortable fertility treatments. Expensive medical bills, and the disappointment of still getting your period after five years. Don’t jump ahead. Just take it one step at a time.

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