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Great journey

Home Forums Surrogacy Getting Started Great journey

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  • #6239
    Amelia Char

    Hey there, how are you all? I hope you all are doing fine. Infertility is spreading rapidly among couples. It has destroyed so many dreams. Every woman wishes to have its own baby. I am also infertile and can’t conceive a baby naturally. It all happened when I met an accident where I lost my baby and my fallopian tubes got badly damaged. But thanks to these forums I came to know about surrogacy. We had our first surrogacy from Ukraine. This is a great option for everyone who is infertile. IVF and IUI are not that much successful. I am sure this is going to help many of the couples. Thanks and hoping best for everyone. We are still waiting for the results and kindly pray for us.


    Thanks for sharing your journey with us. You are indeed a strong woman. Will power ca change anything. I am happy to see that you contacted a clinic for surrogacy. Surrogacy is a miracle. It changes many couples life. It will change your life too. Keep your hopes high. Good luck


    Hello. Hope you are doing good now. Yes, infertility has destroyed the lives of many couples. Many couples got divorced due to this horrible disease. Losing a baby in a car accident is horrible. I hope you are ok now. I don’t know what is more painful? Losing a baby or not being able to conceive again? Well, there is a solution to every problem. Surrogacy is the best infertility treatment. It has lit the lives of many people. Thank you for informing us of a good clinic. I hope this procedure proves to be successful for you. I know being nervous is natural but you have to be brave and positive. Think positive and positive things will happen. FINGERS CROSSED!!


    Hey again. Thankyou for making this post. It’s really helpful. The information is valuable to alot of girls. Surrogacy is an overlooked option. People oughta do it more often. Adoption isn’t a good choice. Surrogacy all the way.

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