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When you aint making enough milk

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    In general, the more you breastfeed, the more milk you’ll produce. But if you get off to a relatively rocky start with nursing — whether it’s because you and your baby are separated in the hospital for longer than normal, your child isn’t latching on well, or another reason. Establishing an adequate milk supply can be a big challenge. Even when everything goes right, some women don’t make enough to meet their baby’s needs. This is most common among moms who have multiples, those who have had breast-reduction surgery, and possibly women who give birth later in life. In my experience, the older a woman is when she has a baby, the more likely she is to have milk-supply problems. Experts aren’t certain why, though they suspect it may be because a woman’s body becomes less efficient over time at producing breast milk. If your baby repeatedly seems hungry after you breastfeed him, you may have a low milk supply. Talk to your pediatrician about having your infant weighed before and after a feeding to see how much milk he received. I may recommend that you pump your breasts in addition to breastfeeding to increase your supply and that you top off the meal with some extra pumped milk or give your child a supplement of formula for a short period of time. Nursing is more effective at stimulating your milk production than pumping, so it’s important to keep it up even if it’s a struggle. While some women who have sore nipples may decide to pump exclusively for a while, this strategy could cause your supply to dwindle further.


    In general, the longer your supply has been low, the longer it will take to build it back up. Get help early, before weight gain becomes a big concern. In almost all cases, once a healthy baby starts gaining weight, he won’t suddenly start losing it unless there is an underlying medical problem with mom or baby. Take care of yourself. Try to eat well and drink enough fluids. You don’t need to force fluids – if you are drinking enough to keep your urine clear, and you aren’t constipated, then you’re probably getting enough. Drink to thirst, usually 6-8 glasses a day. There is no evidence that drinking extra fluids will ncrease your supply, but it’s important for moms to stay hydrated. Your diet doesn’t have to be perfect, but you do need to eat enough to keep yourself from being tired all the time. It is easy to get so overwhelmed with baby care that you forget to eat and drink enough. Don’t try to diet while you are nursing, especially in the beginning while you are establishing your supply. You need a minimum of 1800 calories each day while you are lactating, and if you eat high quality foods and limit fats and sweets, you will usually lose weight more easily than a mother who is formula feeding, even without depriving yourself. Nurse frequently for as long as your baby will nurse. Try to get in a minimum of 8 feedings in 24 hours, and more if possible.

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