by IPF | Aug 16, 2017 | Adoption, Recent News
Welcome to the new Intended Parents Forum! We’re so thankful you have decided to check out it. We’ve been working hard to create a place online where you and your loved ones can go to find out about adoption or surrogacy, connect with the others on the...
by IPF | Aug 16, 2017 | Recent News
The steps for surrogacy can be confusing, so we’ve scoured the web for the best tips and put together this step by step guide. Step 1: Choose Your Surrogacy Arrangement If you have been trying to get pregnant without success, or are unable to carry a healthy...
by IPF | Aug 16, 2017 | Recent News
Choosing to adopt is probably the biggest decision you’ll ever make. But stick with the steps and legalities and at the end of the process you’ll get something amazing – a child to bring up as your own. There is a reason behind the saying “being a mom is the best job...