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Reply To: Would you tell your child about conception via egg donation?

Home Forums Surrogacy Egg Donation Would you tell your child about conception via egg donation? Reply To: Would you tell your child about conception via egg donation?


Before telling children that they were conceived using eggs from another woman, parents should first carefully assess a child’s emotional and intellectual capacity to process that information. Partial disclosure is recognized as an important option for many parents for several reasons. Details can be presented in stages over several months or even years as a child develops and is able to process more information successfully. Full disclosure is an option chosen by parents who believe that a child should be told about his or her origins from the beginning. This approach parallels current thinking about disclosure in adoption, which emphasizes openness and disclosure. Again, therapists caution that such decisions must be made with the child’s best interests in mind. They also caution that, in the future, testing could make it easier for children to learn whether they are genetically linked to their parents.