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Reply To: Starting the journey with surrogate mum

Home Forums Surrogacy Getting Started Starting the journey with surrogate mum Reply To: Starting the journey with surrogate mum

Shirley Akin

Happy to hear that you are finally getting what you desire. Good for you. The process started in Feb, right? So how are things now? How did you like the surrogate? Did you meet her yet? You must be so anxious right now. Also excited at the same time. Crazy thing this wait is, right? You just want time to pass by so you can finally hold the sweet little angel in your arms. And you get to love the bab for rest of your life. I am welling up even talking about it. I can imagine the roller coster of emotions you must be going through right now. So so happy for you. Many congratulations. Looking forward to hearing more from you. Take care. Good luck.