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Gald that you a supportive husband and you made a wise decision depending on your situation. Indeed, surrogacy has brought joy to many barren couples. OH, and I have opted for surrogacy as I have LOR with low AMH. After trying various failed ART. We decided to try surrogacy. This has been a tough decision but worth every penny if it succeeds. I have not met with surrogate yet, we are planning to fly next month. At this point, I am experiencing a bunch of mixed emotions but this time I am determined to beat the odds;)
After a prolonged grief of barrenness, we have managed to resolve the infertility issues. I am glad, that you have met with the surrogate. And, convinced of gestational surrogacy, because there are still people who don’t consider it wise. Let’s pray that we get our own bundle of joy soon via healthy surrogate mother. One last thing, I would like to know, have you paid the expenses of a surrogate mother yet? or its supposed to be paid after the embryo transfer?
Wish you a successful surrogacy!!