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Home Forums Surrogacy Getting Started 44 years Reply To: 44 years


The cost of IVF, egg donation and surrogacy services in the Ukraine is significantly lower than in countries such as the United States, Australia or Canada. Offering services at prices 50-70% cheaper than in other countries. Compared to other international destinations such as India or Mexico. The Ukraine has a comparable or lower cost profile even with all travel and lodging expenses included. Ukraine surrogacy is possibly the best option globally for married couples seeking to have a family through a legal surrogacy arrangement. Kiev is an elegant and safe destination for you to carry out your IVF, egg donation or surrogacy program. The Ukraine has no visa requirements for citizens of the European Union, United States, Canada, as well as most of CIS and Scandinavian countries. Flights into one of Kiev’s two airports (IEV, KBP) are abundant and relatively inexpensive and lodging in Kiev’s city center is exceptional.