If you’re having trouble trying to conceive and carry a pregnancy. And a close friend or family member offers to be a surrogate. It can be a dream come true. Not only can it mean thousands of dollars in agency fees saved. But it can also strengthen or create new bonds between you and the special person who becomes your surrogate. However, because of the close bonds that already exist between you and a potential family surrogate. This can lead to a more complicated situation than having an agency surrogate. Becoming a surrogate mother for a family member or a friend is not a decision you should take lightly. While you will be providing a priceless gift for someone you know and love. There are important things you should be aware of before you make this commitment. It is a complicated process that can permanently affect your relationship if you’re not well prepared. Because of the legal, emotional and financial challenges involved with surrogacy. It’s best to work with an experienced surrogacy agency or professional to make sure the process goes as smoothly as possible.