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Women’s fertility begins to decline gradually after age 30. With a steep drop between 35 and 45. This means that, on average, it takes longer for an older woman to conceive. And older women are more likely to be diagnosed with infertility. Pregnancies in older women are also more likely to miscarry. The most predictable age-related change is a gradual reduction in the number and quality of eggs produced as a woman enters her late thirties. As she nears menopause, eggs are not released in more and more of a woman’s menstrual cycles, making conception impossible. Because of the increased possibility of fertility problems. Women over the age of 35 are often counseled to seek medical advice if they attempt to conceive for six months without success. However, because conception is likely to take longer in older women. Some experts suggest that couples give themselves more, rather than less, time to conceive before seeking medical help.