While professional organizations now advocate disclosure. Some parents still struggle with whether, when, and how to tell, and many still will not do so. So, yes, the decision to talk about donor conception. Even if you value familial honesty, can be hard. Researchers found that parents who told their children before they turned 10 reported no anxiety relating to disclosure and expressed full confidence that they had done the right thing. By contrast, among the non-disclosing families. There were high levels of anxiety as they waited for the “right time” to tell. And found themselves confronting the challenge of disclosing to teenagers or young adults. This secrecy around donor conception is a heavy load to carry. And the layers of deception build up. The best-kept secret can warp family life. Filling children with anxiety they don’t understand, and parents with guilt. In an effort to protect kids they love from what parents perceive as the difficult truth of their origins, parents are hurting them.