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Reply To: second baby maybe?

Home Forums Surrogacy Getting Started second baby maybe? Reply To: second baby maybe?


Hi there! I hope you are fine. Well, firstly I’m sorry to hear about your infertility. But I am glad that you faced this situation bravely. And didn’t lose hope. Congratulations to you on your first baby. It must have been the happiest moment of your life. Surrogacy is a great method to have children. I went through surrogacy thrice. I have 3 children. 2 boys and 1 girl. I consider myself the luckiest person on earth. Although I could not conceive naturally, I still have my own biological children. they are my world. And I feel proud to have taken this decision. You should give it another try too. It’s worth it. Kids are a blessing. Why would you say no to them? I wish you good luck!