
  • Mona replied to the topic Failed IVF in the forum Transfer 6 years, 3 months ago

    Hello. I hope you are doing good. I am glad that she has started another cycle. I hope things go smoothly for her. I hope she gets pregnant this time. Fingers crossed. Tell her to stay positive. Tell her to not to think too much. Sending baby dust to her way. Take care.

  • Hello. I hope things are good in your life. Congratulation for the baby princess. I hope she is doing great. My story is same as yours. I cannot conceive naturally. I am a victim of infertility too. I have consulted the doctors in Ukraine. I had my surrogacy done from there. It was a wonderful experience. I have got my own baby. Thanks to…[Read more]

  • Hello. I hope things are good in your life. I am really sorry to know your situation. Miscarriage is really agonizing. It really breaks a person mentally and physically. Its good to see that you have decided to move on. You have decided to marry again. I cannot conceive naturally. I am a victim of infertility too. I have consulted the doctors in…[Read more]

  • Mona replied to the topic 40+ and Pregnant in the forum Baby On The Way 6 years, 3 months ago

    Hey. I hope you are doing good. Congratulations on your pregnancy. It is so good to see that you are pregnant at this age. Life can be so unpredictable at times. You can’t imagine what happens the other second. Anyways, I hope you have a safe period ahead. Take good care of yourself.

  • Mona replied to the topic Failed IVF in the forum Transfer 6 years, 3 months ago

    Hello. I hope you do good. I feel really sorry for her. On the other hand, I am happy to see that she is still struggling. She is truly a champ! Wish her all the best from my side. I hope the second attempt goes smoothly for her. Sending baby steps to her way. Take care.

  • Hey beautiful. I am really sorry to know about your miscarriages. You must have had a tough time. Don’t lose hope, sweetheart. Life has put you in a test. Try to pass the exam with good marks. Have firm faith in God. I have had surrogacy too. I had lost all my hopes when I could not conceive naturally. I am a victim of PCOS. I have consulted my…[Read more]

  • Mona replied to the topic Failed IVF in the forum Transfer 6 years, 3 months ago

    Hi. I hope you are fine. I am really sorry to know about your friend’s situation. I hope IVF goes well for her this time. Tell her to stay strong. Don’t lose hope. Happy times must be somewhere near. Good luck to her!

  • Hi beautiful. I hope things are good at your side. I am really sorry to know about your condition. You have selected the right option for me. My cousin sister had a surrogacy too. She could not conceive due to cervical cancer. It was impossible for her to conceive naturally. She had consulted the doctors in Ukraine. They were of the view that she…[Read more]

  • Wow! This is so amazing! You’re a gem, sweety! Seriously, I have seen very few people who help others like this. You’re one of them. I can’t even imagine how you coped up with all the pregnancies. It must have been tough for you. Even then, you continue to help others. You’re very brave. You have a big heart. Keep up with this good job. Much love!

  • Mona replied to the topic Update in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 5 months ago

    Hey! I am very sorry to hear about your friend. It must be very hard for her. I’ve dealt with infertility. I know how painful it is. It seems like there’s no meaning to the world. We feel useless because we can’t even carry our baby naturally. It feels very devastating. I can understand her. But she should never lose hope. I had cried my eyes out.…[Read more]

  • Hey! I’m sorry to hear about that. I know it’s difficult to deal with infertility. But you are very lucky that your husband supports you. Couples get separate because of this. Thank goodness you’re not among those. Anyway, surrogacy is a great step. You made a wise decision. I hope you become a mom soon. Wish you good luck!

  • Mona replied to the topic second baby maybe? in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 5 months ago

    Hi there! I hope you are fine. Well, firstly I’m sorry to hear about your infertility. But I am glad that you faced this situation bravely. And didn’t lose hope. Congratulations to you on your first baby. It must have been the happiest moment of your life. Surrogacy is a great method to have children. I went through surrogacy thrice. I have 3…[Read more]

  • Mona replied to the topic Pregnant At 44 in the forum Baby On The Way 6 years, 5 months ago

    Hey! I hope you are doing well. Congratulations to your friend. I hope she remains happy forever. And thank you for an amazing post. It was very motivating. Women do ask such questions. They are confused about it. I think every woman in 40s should read this post. They should know that it’s not impossible to conceive naturally at their age.

  • Mona replied to the topic Infertile in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 5 months ago

    Hey! I’m really sorry to hear about your MC. It must have been very hard for you. MC is not a small thing. You lose all your hopes. All your dreams are shattered. It’s very painful. I have gone through this. So, I know how bad it feels. It’s very difficult to cope up with all this. But don’t worry. Don’t lose faith in yourself. Everything will be…[Read more]

  • Mona replied to the topic naked.. in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 5 months ago

    Hey, sweety! Your post made me really upset. I wonder why so many mothers-in-laws are like that. Why don’t they treat their daughter in laws like their own daughters? Anyway, if you think this might happen again, then you should talk to your husband. Don’t tell him in a way that your DH thinks it as offensive. Tell him politely. I’m sure he’ll…[Read more]

  • Mona replied to the topic Over 40.. in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 5 months ago

    Hi! I hope you are fine. I’m sorry to hear about what happened to you. It’s very important to find a good doctor. A doctor who guides you well and treats you well. Finding a good doctor is a blessing. Unfortunately, you did not get it. I know it is very disappointing. But don’t lose hope. Such ups and downs are a part of life. You have to deal…[Read more]

  • Mona replied to the topic Surrogacy in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 5 months ago

    Hey! I hope you are fine. Well, surrogacy is a very common method to have a baby. A lot of women are going through this process. Don’t be scared. If you are going through this process, do proper research on good clinics. There are many good clinics in Ukraine. I hope you find a good one. Wish you best of luck!

  • Mona replied to the topic surrogacy in the forum Budgeting & Financial 6 years, 5 months ago

    Hey, how are you? I’m really sorry to hear about your problem. It must be very hard for you. I understand that it’s very painful for you. I know how it feels when you can’t have your baby naturally. It seems like there’s no point in living. Everything seems to get worse. It’s very difficult. You must be very strong that you are coping with all…[Read more]

  • Mona replied to the topic PCOS in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 5 months ago

    Hi, Felicia! I’m sorry to know about your friend. I know it’s very hard for her. And you’re worried about your friend too. I understand that she must be going through a lot of pain. I think IVF would be good for her. Or maybe surrogacy. Surrogacy has more success rates. So, I’d recommend her that. Try to do research on these things. Make sure that…[Read more]

  • Hi, Missha! This is amazing. You are doing something for yourself. You’re not losing hope. And that’s what matters the most. You’re a strong lady, indeed. Clinics in Ukraine are really good. I’ve also had my surrogacy process from Ukraine. The clinic offered great services. And I was glad I chose the right clinic. So yeah, you’re not alone to go…[Read more]

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