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    Felicia Saz

    Hey guys. How are you all doing? This post is about my friend. I posted here about her a while ago. So a friend of mine has recently been diagnosed with PCOS. She was TTC for a while and trying her luck. Her doctor told her there are very little chances of her conceiving a baby naturally. He also suggests IVF to her. We were confused at the start but then she made up her mind and decided to go for it. She agreed to go to the same clinic I went to for my surrogacy. I don’t want her to take any risks. Anyway, She got her first IVF cycle dates confirmed. She will be flying to Ukraine next month now. We are very nervous but also very excited. Your prayers will be appreciated.


    hello Felicia Saz. We all are good. What about you. well, we didn’t see any post related to your friend. She should not lose this chance. Maybe she will conceive with weak eggs. So ask her to grab this chance. If she fails, then go for IVF. Keep this as the last choice. Stay happy.


    Hi Felicia, I’m doing well, hope you are too. Yeah, I read your last post about your friend. It is good that she has decided to go to the clinic you suggested. It does have a lot of good reviews! Just make sure she has all your support. This can be a very emotionally messed up time for her. What medication did the doctor put her on for IVF? And is she going for multiple attempts package or just one?


    I guess surrogacy will be best for her.I’m 43 years old now and i have also no luck with babies too.
    Now i am married for second time and i am thinking of having a baby again.
    But the miscarriages from my last married life make me afraid and stops me getting pregnant again.
    I persuaded my husband to go for surrogacy option.
    As from my first marriage i had no luck with having a baby.
    I had many complications while getting pregnant.
    I conceived for three times but always resulted in miscarriage.
    I think surrogacy is the best solution now adays where we can have a baby.
    I consulted a number of clinics related to surrogacy.
    Surrogacy is now adays a common method of having a baby for those women who can’t have a baby out of their own womb.
    You better should research about surrogacy and should visit some clinics regarding surrogacy.
    But i am worried about some aspects of having a baby from this process.
    But as we have no other option left so i guess it is the only solution for us now.

    Joanne Silvia

    Hello Felicia. How are you doing? I am so happy for your friend. It’s really nice to see you update us on her process. IVF is something I’ve always been a little skeptical about. It’s probably because I have a very little chance of its success as I can’t carry a baby. However, I think it’s better if you can go through with it as compared to surrogacy. Both the methods are a blessing though. I hope the process for your friend goes really well. I, myself, am really excited about how it goes from here, for your friend. Everyone deserves happiness. Babies bring happiness. I hope my process of surrogacy goes similarly. Keep us updated! Can’t wait for your next post. Good luck to her!


    You can have the “perfect” embryo in the “right” place and there is still no guarantee of a BFP. My only advice would be not go in with the expectation that it will work first time. As hard as that is. PPs are right in saying that the first cycle is essentially experimental and largely the product of sophisticated guesswork on behalf of your FS depending on your specific set of circumstances. There is no way of knowing how your body will respond to the treatment and if any other issues will be uncovered along the way. If that first cycle goes awry or ends in a BFN the emotional crash can be devastating when you have so much riding on it. Success on the first cycle is the exception rather than the rule. I hope you are one of the lucky ones. But if your surrogacy was a success. There is a higher chance of her IVF being a success too. Do hope for the best.


    Hey! I am very sorry to hear about your friend. It must be very hard for her. I’ve dealt with infertility. I know how painful it is. It seems like there’s no meaning to the world. We feel useless because we can’t even carry our baby naturally. It feels very devastating. I can understand her. But she should never lose hope. I had cried my eyes out. But then I realize that nothing can lessen my pain. Only a baby can. So I searched about surrogacy and went for it. I have a little baby boy now. He’s 4 months old. I’m so glad now. I would advise her to take a wise decision too. I hope her IVF becomes successful at the 1st try. Good luck to her!


    hey! prayers for your friend.
    so good to know that you guys are promoting such procedures.
    and going for this with much trust and confidence.
    may she be able to overcome her infertility!
    that’s actually the place I read on most of the conversations on the forums.
    they have some good prices for such procedures, right?
    well! how was your surrogacy procedure?
    baby dust to your friend.


    I read your last post about your companion. It is great that she has chosen to go to the centre you proposed. It has a considerable measure of good audits. It’s extremely pleasant to see you refresh us on her procedure. IVF is something I’ve generally been somewhat wary about. It’s most likely in light of the fact that I have an almost no shot of its prosperity as I can’t convey an infant. In any case, I believe it’s better on the off chance that you can proceed with it when contrasted with surrogacy.


    Do not be embarrassed about the symptoms you are experiencing. You are not “weird” or “abnormal.” I encourage you to share your struggles. As there are many other women out there that are feeling the same way as you. These women would love to find the support of another person that understands what they are going through. Consider attending the annual PCOS Challenge Symposium. Not only will you be among hundreds of women with PCOS who understand what you are experiencing, but the symposium also offers many resources all in one place to help you manage your PCOS. There are many different online websites providing various support and information ranging from podcasts by PCOS Diva. Nutritional advice by PCOS Nutrition Center, and emotional support. Yes, the reality is that dealing with PCOS can often be personal and embarrassing. But you are not alone. Be kind to yourself.


    with IVF now, we have the ability to do what we call PGS, or preimplantation genetic screening. That’s one main category where we might get to IVF somewhat sooner. The other main category, and this is age independent/. But is women that seem to either have too much of a response to other medications, whether they’re oral medications or they have such a high ovarian reserve that with injectable medication, we think it would be really unsafe to try to combine that with timed intercourse or intrauterine inseminations. They get stuck in the balance where maybe they’re not responding well to oral medications. But if we try to use injectables, we put them at a very high risk of multiples. Sometimes it actually kind of counter-intuitively turns out that going from oral medication straight to IVF might make the most sense for some patients that have a relatively healthy ovarian reserve. Those are the two main reasons that I would say are particularly applicable to women with PCOS.


    Such a good news for them. They will be going for their first treatment. I hope everything works well for them. Wishes and luck to her. I would like to say that you stay by her side. Keep giving her positive vibes and strength. And keep sharing more about her with all of us. Lots of prayers to her.


    hello Felicia Saz!!! We all are right. How are you? that’s so sad of you. I have so many concerns for your friend. True friends are not less than a blessing. try to realize her with a cool mind. It’s every one desire to be a great mom. Society accepts only those women who are fertile. I think don’t let her go to the clinic at first. She should wait for some right time. she must make several trials. After that, if she can’t conceive then try surrogacy otherwise not. Good to see you. my prayers are with her.


    Hi there. I hope everything is good at your end. It is saddening to know about your friend. So many women are a victim of PCOS nowadays. As a result of which the cannot conceive naturally. You have definitely suggested her right about IVF. I pray that she conceives this way. IVF is not always successful in the first attempt. It may take a few of them. You have to tell her to keep the faith. Tell her to stay positive. I hope she finds her rainbow soon. Ukraine has a number of different remarkable clinics. They offer a good service. The staff is cooperative too. I hope the treatment goes smoothly. Good luck to her. Sending baby dust to her doorsteps.

    Evelyn Rose

    Wishing luck and success to your friend. I hope everything goes well for her. I had my surrogacy there. And a friend of mine had IVF there. It is a nice place to go. Moreover, you get to explore a new place along with your treatment. I had a great time in Ukraine.
    I hope your friend will be fine and happy soon. Sending love and wishes to her.

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