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Intended parents sometimes travel abroad to have a child through a surrogate mother living there. This is not always a good option for the surrogate mother or the child. Intended parents who have a child through a surrogate mother abroad may have problems when they want to bring the child to the Netherlands. Some countries, but not the Netherlands, automatically recognize the intended parents as the child’s legal parents. But Dutch law states that a child’s biological mother is also its legal mother. So if the intended parents apply to a Dutch embassy for a Dutch passport for the child. The application will be rejected. This means that the child cannot travel to the Netherlands. For this reason, India now requires an official declaration from the government of the country of which the intended parents are nationals. The declaration must state that the child will be given that country’s nationality. Or at least will be permitted to enter the country (in this case, the Netherlands). However, the Dutch authorities do not issue declarations of this kind.