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with IVF now, we have the ability to do what we call PGS, or preimplantation genetic screening. That’s one main category where we might get to IVF somewhat sooner. The other main category, and this is age independent/. But is women that seem to either have too much of a response to other medications, whether they’re oral medications or they have such a high ovarian reserve that with injectable medication, we think it would be really unsafe to try to combine that with timed intercourse or intrauterine inseminations. They get stuck in the balance where maybe they’re not responding well to oral medications. But if we try to use injectables, we put them at a very high risk of multiples. Sometimes it actually kind of counter-intuitively turns out that going from oral medication straight to IVF might make the most sense for some patients that have a relatively healthy ovarian reserve. Those are the two main reasons that I would say are particularly applicable to women with PCOS.