Many parents are somewhat uncomfortable discussing conception and birth with their children — and when a child’s birth story involves the social, emotional, medical and legal complexities of surrogacy, the conversation can seem especially overwhelming. However, surrogacy is an important part of your child’s story, and experts agree that it is important to be honest with your children about their surrogacy story from the beginning. In this article, learn about the importance of telling your child’s story, and find tips for introducing the topic of surrogacy to your child naturally and early on. Many psychologists feel strongly that children have the right to know their stories and have learned from adoption research and experience that a child’s knowledge of his or her origins is important to developing a healthy sense of identity, trust and self-esteem. Your child’s surrogacy story is a positive one — it is a story of people coming together out of love to help create a life. Be proud of the way your family was built, and your child will likely model your attitudes and behaviors.