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Reply To: I wish i had a biological child

Home Forums Surrogacy Egg Donation I wish i had a biological child Reply To: I wish i had a biological child

Polina Delany

Hi Tifanny. I just went through that post of yours. Well, yes! Your concerns are entirely true. You’re not alone to desire it. I’m also having this urge in my mind. So, yeah! It works that way. But, still, you shouldn’t believe in people. I’ve also been unable to have a child of mine. But, still trying! I’m trying via surrogacy this year. Surely, I’d recommend it to you. Don’t lose hope! Surrogacy is just like having a child of your own if you can’t carry at your own. So, just seek your options. Stay blessed. 🙂 Sending you a lot of baby dust. 🙂