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Reply To: I wish i had a biological child

Home Forums Surrogacy Egg Donation I wish i had a biological child Reply To: I wish i had a biological child

Farah Smith

Hey there, how are you? I hope you are fine. Well, my dear, I am really sorry for what you are going through. It makes me really sad reading this thread. Well my dear, don’t care much about what other says to you. Just try to be happy and relaxed. Everything will be alright very soon. After hard times good time also come. Try to change your hectic routine. Take proper food and diet. Give time to your love ones. You are not the only one who is facing this issue. There are many women out there in this boat with us. According to reports, every 11th women faced this issue. I would suggest you to go for alternative Methods. Surrogacy is changing the lives of so many hopeless people. Just go for it. My good wishes and prayers are with you. God bless you.