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Oh Riana, I am so sorry to hear that dear. Thats really sad. I can feel your pain. I am heartbroken too and had been crying the entire day. I have been TTC for years but nothing worked. I convinced my husband to try surrogacy once though he wanted to go for adopted. I was not convinced for adopted as I was an adopted child and I have seen that deprivation in my parents’ eyes of not having a biological child. My DH agreed and we started looking for clinics. A colleague suggested me L***s clinic in Ukraine. Though we live in Ireland but we agree to try Ukraine clinic. We though to get info and finalize things from Ireland. We planned to visit afterwards to start our process. So we email them to share their surrogacy plans and expense details. Its been weeks now and they didnt bothered to reply. I am so shattered and dishearten, how can they be this unprofessional?