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emma james

infertility is a horrible dream for me. i have tried every thing to get ride of it. after miscarriage i was depressed as i was too much excited to be a mother. but that car accident not only cause me loose my pregnancy but also cursed me with infertility. all the world bad things just are now part of my life. one of the example is this clinic called A***s. they are the worst people. they have a worst communication channel. their advertisement says that they had a best staff and modern technology. but my experience says that they have staff with no skills. their own staff is not well aware of this surrogacy procedure. i telephoned them to ask the questions about surrogacy and how they will help me in my case. but most of time instead of giving relevant answer she just told me to pay fee first then she will answer this. They do not care about the feelings of a person battling with the problems of infertility. Their main purpose is just to make money. I have seen many couples who went to more depression after contacting them.i am feeling lonely and this clinic behavior have mad me believe that i have to go through this till end of my life…