More than 5 years of my marriage has been a living hell. Looking for a child. It felt like a thousand years in marriage. I was diagnosed with endometriosis. it has been hard dealing with it. The injections and the pills. I have been living a complicated lifestyle. Everyday ion my toes. going through ,y cycles if anything positive come out. The pregnancy kits and hope turned down. The failed IVF, IUI, and ICSA. All this in just 5 years. Then you come to hear stories of people aborting. As if they don’t know there are people who are doing whatever it takes to have one. I have passed though some posts. And I can say I am encouraged. there are women who are doing anything it takes to be called parents. and that is good. I can say I have been through that situation and I never gave up. So your encouragement will mean a lot. Surely at the end of the day, with all the hardships, there is light at the end of the tunnel.