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Reply To: In-Laws are not on board with Surrogacy

Home Forums Surrogacy Family Life In-Laws are not on board with Surrogacy Reply To: In-Laws are not on board with Surrogacy


I have never been through that scenario but I think I can add my 2 points. I am disappointed that your mother in law feels like she has a final say in your marriage. That is so bad of her. I understand that your husband is her son. But he is now all grown up. That means he can make his own decisions. So he should let him be. I hat when mother in laws try to control their sons marriage. It makes the woman feel inadequate. And this is bad. I have seen marriages break because of mother in laws. They want to control their son’s life. When a man marries that means he has to put his wife first. His mother has been there all his life of course. But that is like transition. He is going to start his own life. With his own rules. So the mother should respect that. Not giving rules to be followed every time. If I was in your situation I would just pretend like I don’t understand what she is talking about and move on with the procedure.