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Can Diapers Cause Rashes?

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    Angel Dale

    I was given a different brand of diapers from my baby shower as a present (pampers). I recently ran out of my usual brand (Huggies) and didn’t have time to run out so I used those, my daughter started getting a rash, I was wondering if those could be connected?

    Sarah Forsetein

    Hey angel, the same thing happened to my daughter when she was an infant, diapers definitely can cause rashes and can happen because their skin reacts to differently to different brands. I would definitely switch back to your usual brand and the rash should go away.

    Angel Dale

    Okay, thank you, Sarah! I stopped using the pampers and started back using Huggies, I will keep you updated on the rash! Thank you so much for the information!!

    Disney Mom

    Yes diapers can cause your baby to have a rash. I suggest trying different brands and if that doesn’t work try cloth diapers. Personally, my son used Huggies and I loved them!


    Yes dear. Pampers cause rashes. I can remember my son had a similar issues. Especially if I tried a certain brand of pampers. He would develop red rashes. Sometimes he also used to cry too. I think the rashes were causing him some discomfort. So I stopped using that brand. I think you can do the same too. baby’s tend to have a sensitive skin. You can also be applying powder. Especially baby Johnson. It really helps with dealing with rashes. You can also do that under normal circumstances. Apply the child some powder. That is before you tie the pampers. This prevents the baby from getting the urine heat. I have been doing that long enough. I can tell you that It works. It also prevent similar case especially if you have run out of ideas. When you don’t have another pampers and that is the only brand around. Then you are forced to use it. But after applying the baby powder.


    Hi there deary. I hope that this find you well love. You see there is a huge possibility that the rashes are from the napkins. This happens to every child. It happened to my son too. I remember that I changed them once because I thought that the ones I had been using werent good enough. I was wrong just after I started using new napkins he started having rashes! So I doubt there is anything else happening to your baby. There is something else like a allergy to something else… Chronologically speaking that doesn’t seem to be the case. You said that the rashes showed up when you started using the other napkins. It is definitely the napkins. Hope you found this helpful.Take good care of yourself and your angel… God bless you dear!


    Diaper rash is a common form of inflamed skin experienced by most children during their diaper wearing years. There are several factors that can cause diaper rash, but the primary cause of diaper rash is prolonged exposure to moisture on the skin. Excessive moisture on the skin makes it more easily affected by friction, which can be caused by the diaper against the skin as well as routine wiping and cleaning of the skin. This is why diaper rash usually affects the tender skin of a baby’s body that is in closest contact to the diaper. The result of this friction is a weakening of the protective barrier of the skin – making it more penetrable by irritants like urine and feces. Diaper rash may also develop when your baby is taking antibiotics or after a change in diet of either the mother or baby. The introduction of solid foods to your baby’s diet may cause a change in the content of their stool or the frequency, both of which can cause diaper rash and eating certain types of foods while breast feeding can cause a reaction on your little one’s bum. Keep your infant’s skin clean and dry. Check diapers every 2 hours or so and change wet or soiled diapers promptly. Avoid irritating the skin while cleaning the diaper area by patting – not rubbing – the skin with warm water and a washcloth or a mild baby wipe. Avoid using soap to clean the affected area unless necessary, and then be sure to choose a mild soap for sensitive baby skin. Once you’ve cleaned the area, pat it dry before applying a diaper rash cream. Whenever possible let your baby go diaper free to help the area air dry and to prevent chaffing from the diaper.


    The best way to prevent diaper rash is to keep the diaper area clean and dry. A few simple strategies can help decrease the likelihood of diaper rash developing on your baby’s skin. Change diapers often. Remove wet or dirty diapers promptly. If your child is in child care, ask staff members to do the same. Rinse your baby’s bottom with warm water as part of each diaper change. You can use a sink, tub or water bottle for this purpose. Moist washcloths, cotton balls and baby wipes can aid in cleaning the skin, but be gentle. Don’t use wipes with alcohol or fragrance. If you wish to use soap, select a mild, fragrance-free type. Gently pat the skin dry with a clean towel or let it air dry. Don’t scrub your baby’s bottom. Scrubbing can further irritate the skin. Don’t overtighten diapers. Tight diapers prevent airflow into the diaper region, which sets up a moist environment favorable to diaper rashes. Tight diapers can also cause chafing at the waist or thighs. Give your baby’s bottom more time without a diaper. When possible, let your baby go without a diaper. Exposing skin to air is a natural and gentle way to let it dry. To avoid messy accidents, try laying your baby on a large towel and engage in some playtime while he or she is bare-bottomed. Consider using ointment regularly. If your baby gets rashes often, apply a barrier ointment during each diaper change to prevent skin irritation. Petroleum jelly and zinc oxide are the time-proven ingredients in many diaper ointments. After changing diapers, wash your hands well. Hand-washing can prevent the spread of bacteria or yeast to other parts of your baby’s body, to you or to other children.

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