
  • Hello there dear friend. I hope this finds you well. I think you are doing something honorable. It is great from you. I think that your brother appreciates this a lot. At least he should appreciate it. As a mother I know ehat it feels like to be a parent. Everyone has the right to experience that. Aldo as somebody who is currently battling…[Read more]

  • jenniflower replied to the topic naked.. in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 8 months ago

    Hi there deary. How are you today? I hope that things are fine at your end. I also wsih you had a fantastic day. Your are going through some tough times as of right… I am sorry that this is happening to you. Infertility is the worst. Only those who have faced it can really understand this. I am also sorry for the way that your mother in law…[Read more]

  • Hello there everyone! How are you all doing? I hope that this finds you all well. You see I have been thinking about this thing for a while now. How do people come up with their childrens name? Like it is very intriguing to me. For exmaple my dh and I choose the name Hugh for my son. We were expecting a daughter and were thinking of a girl name…[Read more]

  • Breast milk is probably the best milk for the baby. Actaully it is there is no denying this! It’s just that baby formula isn’t bad either. You can do whichever one you feel like doing dear. Don’t stress over the fact that you cannot provide more breastmilk. It is completely fine and your abby will be as healthy as any other. Also mixing baby…[Read more]

  • This is a very hard thing to do with children. Like I did it once and when i think about it now… Like I cannot make this up… I have no idea how I did. I just remember that he was big enough to understand what shame is. I am talking about my son Hugh. We uset to tell Hugh that he shoud be ashamed, he is a grown up now. He himself wanted to quit…[Read more]

  • Hi there deary. I hope that this find you well love. You see there is a huge possibility that the rashes are from the napkins. This happens to every child. It happened to my son too. I remember that I changed them once because I thought that the ones I had been using werent good enough. I was wrong just after I started using new napkins he started…[Read more]

  • jenniflower replied to the topic Divorce kids in the forum Toddler 6 years, 8 months ago

    Hey there Ruqaya! This is a bad situation youre in. I am sorry that you are going through this. If only there was anything that I could do… As sad as it is I cannot help much. Maybe what you need is to consult a psychologist. A kids psychologist even better. Tell them how you feel, and how your son feels. Then act upon what they tell you. That…[Read more]

  • Hello there dear friend. How are you doing? I hope that things are fine at your end. I believe everything has an explanation. A rational explanation to be exact. In your case I guess the explanation is very simple. Thing about it this way… When and why do you get angry? Start from yourself, it’s usually when things don’t go the way you want them…[Read more]

  • jenniflower replied to the topic what to do in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 8 months ago

    Hi there Marion. I am glad you are sharing this with us. i will try my best to help you out dear. Based on what I know your case seems to be a case of infertility with unknown cause. It is kind of common… I have heard about it a lot and I have red a lot about it. It happens when there is nothing that causes infertility yet the couple is…[Read more]

  • Hello there Lisa. I am sorry that you are going through this hell as you said it… THis is not the end howver dear. Maybe thats what it seems like to you right now but believe me there is more. In your life as of right now you have only seen the bad stuff. You have suffered a lot and been through hell. Again i am very sorry for that… However…[Read more]

  • Hi there Race. How are you doing my firend? Is everything okay? I hope that you asnwer htese questions positively. Life as we know would be super broing had there not been issues with it. It is also impossible to live a quiet life… Troubles, issues, will come no matter what we do to prevent them. Don’t worry too much as this is something that…[Read more]

  • jenniflower replied to the topic Over 40.. in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 8 months ago

    Hello there Anna. How are you doing dear? I hope things are fine at your end. I am really sorry to hear what happened to you! You were just trying your best not to get caught in anything bat… I guess it backfired at you. However there is still hope. I am pretty sure that things will get much more better eventually. You see in life bad things…[Read more]

  • Hello everyone,
    How are you all doing? I hope that every single thing is fine with you all. I am a mother of one child. My son Hugh is now 5 years old. He is the greatest belssing I have ever had. 6 years ago I got pregnant through normal means. I was able to conceive a few months after starting TTC. Things were going smoothly until I got an…[Read more]

  • jenniflower replied to the topic Welcome! in the forum Welcome! 6 years, 8 months ago

    Hello to you all.

    Jennifer here, a brand new user. How are you all doing? I hope that everyone is having a great day. I would love to get to know you all. This place seems very interesting and I am happy to be part of it. This is my story and a little details about me. Hope you all find this interesting.

    My name is Jennifer Wilson. I am from…[Read more]

  • jenniflower became a registered member 6 years, 8 months ago