Diapers are part of your life, day in, day out, for so long that it’s hard to imagine not needing them anymore. It seems like the day when your child will walk into the bathroom, pee or poop, wipe, wash hands, and walk back out without you even knowing it is a long way off. And yet, that day is coming. And it will be as glorious as it has been in your dreams. Between now and then, there’s a big project: potty training. You may be ready to make the transition, but is your little one? Just like talking, walking, and sleeping through the night, every child’s timing is different. There is no perfect age to start potty training. How will you know if your child is ready? He will show interest in various ways, including asking questions about the toilet, potty seats, and underwear. Whether or not your child is ready is based on where he is physically and emotionally. Many kids show interest around 2 years old, while others couldn’t care less until they’re 2 1/2 or 3. Though there are always exceptions, girls usually show interest earlier than boys and are quicker to get the hang of it.