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Is anyone here doing surrogacy abroad?

Home Forums Surrogacy International Surrogacy Is anyone here doing surrogacy abroad?

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    Wow Missha, your post has filled me with everlasting hope. Hope you are doing good as I could imagine. Surrogacy is such a fruitful treatment and a blessing of science. Surrogacy has benefited many infertile and needy couples. Instead of adoption or having test tube babies, I think it’s quite simpler and easier. You are not the only one, many couples could not afford this treatment too. Though the results are very fruitful people think it costs too high. They should also consider the other side of the image. They should also think about the surrogate mother. a surrogate mother suffers too much for the child of someone else. She carries intended parent’s child with great care and handover the child after the complete process. I have also learned about some clinics there which are offering surrogacy. One of them is offering the unlimited tries of treatment at a very affordable price. I’m that you shall definitely get the fruit if you try it!


    Yes, you are right. It is affordable as compared to the other clinics like in the UK. It is a good place, especially who cannot afford to go for surrogacy and IVF from other clinics. Surrogacy is really a great blessing. Infertility takes a lot out of a woman. I am infertile too. I was upset so much. In the end after wasting so much time I decided to go for surrogacy. It is a successful process. My eggs were fertile but I was not able to conceive naturally. I went for gestational surrogacy. I was so happy that I went there with my husband and he had no issue. I have a baby now. I went to a clinic in Europe. It is legal there and it was convenient for me. Age doesn’t matter in surrogacy. I hope this would work for you too.


    Hello Missha! Glad to know about your surrogacy treatment. Your presence has really filled my heart with pleasure. Thanks for the beautiful post as it made my day. Rare people share their experience stories on such forum. I don’t know the reason behind this but you really made it. Love, infertility is one of the major problems that couples are facing nowadays. Every sixth couple faces problems in conceiving for the very first time. but don’t get so sad as science has suggested some ways to reach the destination. surrogacy is one of them! Surrogacy is still illegal in some parts of the world. This is due to some moral and religious restrictions. Those countries who have laws about surrogacy are mostly developed. Surrogacy has benefited many infertile couples and you are one of them. I have also read very positive reviews about the clinic. So, can you please share your surrogacy experience too? it will definitely help the needy ones. Thanks!


    I’ve had surrogacy abroad too. Most people believed it wouldn’t be good enough. That was due to the affordability of that clinic. But I was surprised to be treated so well there. It was a great experience. I might even have another baby soon with surrogacy. Good luck to all these ladies on their ways!


    Howdy, I am happy you had an incredible experience. I’ve also read many positive views about this center. They are confident at what they show. I also had my surrogacy from that clinic. The specialists were so professional. Everything went smooth. I am certain it may help the aspirants.


    I am planing for surrogacy now. I have contacted some clinics in Ukraine. Soon me and my husband will be moving to Ukraine. We live in Bulgaria here in Bulgaria surrogacy is not allowed. I am infertile for no reason. Doctors can’t even tell the reason behind my infertility. So we have decided to go for surrogacy. Clinics in Ukraine are very famous for surrogacy the rates are also less as compared to other clinics.


    Hey. I read your experience about surrogacy few months ago. At that time I decided to go for surrogacy. As i was facing complications in pregnancy from last 7 years. I was bit hopeless in begining. But when I went to Clinic in Ukraine , doctors there just give me new zeal to fight with myself. Clinical staff was so hospitabl to me. Also the expenses of clinic was far more less then other surrogacy clinic in America and other countries. Also the environment of the clinic is better then other clinics i visited. Hope so you enjoy reading it.


    It’s so inspiring to meet IPs. You already made your first steps forward. I’m interested in knowing more and having surrogacy in the future.
    I failed my 5 IVF. That means for me I have to opt for something else. I’m not decisive person.
    I always hesitate in front of making choice. My husband is too busy to make things hasten. That’s why I’m laying like an abandoned toy in full frustration. I try to find some encouragement on the forums. On the one hand it helps.
    I’m already 35. I don’t want to miss more moments. Time is so rapidly flowing.
    My doctor said to me we had to think over. What to do further. Should we try more of switch on surrogacy?
    Five IVFs without even single BFP mean I have to give it up. Only another option will give me chance. Thus, I’m here looking for new knowledge.
    How did you overcome that period before you started journey? All these things around make me mad. I hardly control my emotions.
    My relatives often come around. They’re worried about my state. After they check how I’m doing they leave me again.
    Because everyone have his own family. My husband loves and cares but works hard. I feel lack of him.
    I hope everyone will be doing well. Everything gonna be all right! Me best wishes and congratulations guys!


    Hi. I hope that you all will be fine. Me and my husband were infertile. So it was not possible for us to have a baby. I was totally broken after this and was feeling hopeless. But one of my friend told me about surrogacy. So we researched on it and finding it helpful we went for surrogacy. Surrogacy is really a blessing. We found a clinic in Ukraine and decided to get our treatment for that clinic. They gave us with the best possible services with much more guaranteed results. We are very happy to have treatment from them. Best of luck for you. May you be blessed with good and healthy happy life. Take care my dear.


    It was very nice of you to share your experience with us. I have been TTC with my DH for the past 10 years and I have also come to the point of opting for surrogacy in the foreign because of the high prices locally. I do not really want to waste more money to face more failures. This time I am thinking of keeping my hopes not that high and go for a reasonable treatment. I have read a lot about this particular clinic too and I have really heard only nice things about it. It is glad that I got to find your post and got to hear your experience over there. I have visited their website but I am really not sure if the prices that they are mentioning over there for their packages is gonna be the exact ones. I mean many clinics have nice things and low prices written on their websites but when you get there they double their prices by adding extra charges for stupid things. I just want to make sure that this clinic does not do such a thing because I have saved up for this treatment with a lot of difficulties and really want to get the treatment soon instead of investing more time into saving. I am very glad to hear your experience. Please, do share some details and keep us updated.

    Sasha James

    Hey there Misha. How have you been doing? How is your husband? I hope all are great. I am really sorry that you had to go for surrogacy. Surrogacy is not easy. It requires a lot of waits. You seem to be very strong. I have had surrogacy too. I have been to Ukraine too. It was a hard choice but my husband helped me. I wish more people know about it. It has helped many people. I will continue to do so. I wish you for your future. good luck. Take care.


    hey hun. what a surprise to know this! my sister is under surrogacy process. at the Ukraine clinic. indeed they are so reliable. they arranged the accommodation and not only this, food too. I’m sure they are working really good in providing every facility to its clients. rather than other countries banning these procedures. I wish you best of luck. hope you get successful. loads of prays.


    Wondering what it means. If I’m from Spain I want to have surrogacy journey in USA it’s called abroad. Another situation is when I’m from USA and I want to have it here.
    Okay, it’s not abroad. But it’s the same as for my Spanish kind of my biography. In this case I’ll be sharing the same important details.
    Do you understand what I fancy saying? I meant even if you are from country where surrogacy is allowed it’ll be great to share your experience. Some tips could be really helpful.
    In my turn I know couples from the US who had surrogacy in Ukraine. There were pretty rich people among them. I don’t think they intended to save money.
    They just found advantage in using Ukrainian option. It really makes some things clear. For me Ukraine became relevant competing destination long ago.
    I learned much on it. As well I was happy to see confirmation of this by myself. Yes, I have been to Ukraine.
    Besides medical elements you should know some pleasing things about country. There’re many polite and friendly people. They can help you if you explain them your need.
    I was quite amazed with their responsiveness. Ukrainians are kindly ready for contact. They love foreigners.
    You can meet English speaking guys among youth. Then you’ll surely be protected. He or She will explain you what’s going on around.
    Don’t be afraid of trying new. Furthermore, Ukraine isn’t already new for us. I guess this could be positive experience.


    I am interested in having a journey abroad. Hello to everyone. I hope your fertility journey gets advanced.
    My husband and I were traveling a lot. It was before. Now all our effort’s dedicated to planning our next steps in my treatment.
    I said we were traveling. It wasn’t just information to know. Many people travel around the world.
    But today we are afraid to visit new country purposely. I know you often offer Ukraine and Georgia.
    Also many countries are advisable now. I have already failed 8 IVFs. It was my limit.
    Actually I didn’t expect to have this number. Anyway it’s my past. Now I think how to increase my chances in successful surrogacy journey.
    You are more experienced. I read your stories. Some of them really make me inspired.
    The way you walked through deserves respect. You are my examples to follow suit.
    I wish you all the best. Your housed must shine with baby dust. It’s hard to decide.
    Hope in the soonest future we’ll move on. My husband supports and shows great readiness. We have to catch the moment straight away.


    Hey. I am so happy for you. I hope you will be a mom soon. I wish you will be blessed soon. I have a baby through surrogacy too. I went to a clinic in Europe. Yes, you are right it is affordable than other countries. I went there without the help of any agency. The services were provided by the clinic. They cooperated with us alot. We were provided with a surrogate. It is very hard to find a surrogate by there own. I have a baby now. I have no more worries in life. I hope people would make themselves aware of such processes.

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