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    Hana Touni

    Hello all. I read here for many couples that have problems with sperm (mobility, etc.) and usually doctors’ statement as a leading solution is the IVF. The only safe solution when sperm is not good for fertilization. I am telling my story in order to help some couples who have the same issue.I My mother who got married at 28 and she couldn’t become pregnant, she went to the doctor and told her before doing tests to have my father’s sperm tested.There was no problem with his sperm, it did not have good mobility (I do not know other details) and made a treatment with injections for 3 months.After that, my mom was pregnant immediately when treatment was finished and I was born! Then of course when they decided to make another child they faced no problem at all …I was wondering that if my parents were living in our age they would propose them to go for IVF instead of injections.


    This is true. In our days we just have IVF, IUI, ICSI and surrogacy. Yet in the olden days people dealt with injections. It was better that way. I can see where the difference comes in. You should also know the prices of IVF. It is expensive. In general ART’s is very expensive. But we should also remember that in the olden days infertility was rare. These days we have many people suffering from infertility. And the population is yet to increase in the coming days. This is because of the lifestyle we live. Also note what we eat. Technology is also making big lapses over the days. So it is better that we guarantee technology involvement. It ahs played a big part to how far we are today. Generally in our treatment sector. The medicine field and other fields too. I do not see it as bad. For it is only the solution that can help us. It is like e have no there means. The traditional ways are no longer being used. So people are focusing more on technological advancement.


    Sperm nobility is when the sperms cannot move well. Or rather they are not mobile enough. As we all know that the sperms need to reach the egg in the oviduct. But then when the sperms cannot do this by themselves. Then they need to be boosted. As what the injection did. But since then was past. There were not much enhancement in the medical field. These days the solution could either be an IUI or IVF. It depends with the financial budget. Also what could be best in taht case. So I personally do not see anything bad with that Just because the injection helped your parents. Does not mean that doctors should not go ahead and find other suitable solutions. Maybe even the injections could not have worked in other people. Results also differ. But for now let us be happy in fact that there are more enhancement in the medicine field. Personally I do not see anything bad with it.

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