Jolia Carter

  • @sammy Hey Sammy Lors, how do you do? I appreciate you that you are initiating for getting mother by all the ways. I didn’t get one thing from your last 3 lines. Are you pregnant again? You know what? Your doctor is right; IVF will suit you the best. Btw my own aunt gets married at 41 and has her only baby girl at 43. Are you or your husband d…[Read more]

  • Hey Cristine Rose, how do you do? I feel for you. You have still hypothyroidism? What did the doctors and test say? I request you to never rely on only one test or one doctor. You must have 3.I really don’t think that your age is the issue. My own aunt gets married at 40 and have a girl at 41. I think you should not wait any more and run towards t…[Read more]

  • Hello, Race Jordan how do you do? Why you are thinking before changing gynecologist? If you are not satisfied with the one you have right to change. Do you have any child before? You did not clear that which injections you are talking about? I am giving you a sincere suggestion to go for IVF. Go for it after suggesting from fertility doctor. If…[Read more]

  • Jolia Carter became a registered member 6 years, 9 months ago