
  • Hello, this is my first post explaining my case. I have been reading through your posts. i am now sure that this is the place to be. Well, mine is a case of infertility. I cannot be pregnant as my womb has some defects. However, my ovaries are healthy(so happy about this). After information search from the internet, i realized that i can still…[Read more]

  • Naomipoa replied to the topic so mad in the forum Transfer 6 years, 7 months ago

    Hello Lina love
    I am sorry for the failed attempts. You are justified to be mad and angry. We all hope trial to have a child to work instantly. We usually get mad when it does not. I can guess how mad you are at your doctor for giving you no explanation. However, it is not all the times that the doctor might have an explanation. One of the reason…[Read more]

  • It depend more on the two of you than what people are saying. Some people want a small gap between their children while others want it to be wide. Another factor to consider is finances. Some delay to have a second child until they have acquired more wealth. Business or career is also a major factor. if one is doing well at the moment, she avoids…[Read more]

  • Naomipoa replied to the topic Welcome! in the forum Welcome! 6 years, 7 months ago

    Hello everyone
    I am glad to be part of this forum.It gives us an opportunity to share what we are going through. We do not have to stay stressed with no one to share our problems with. Diana, i am so sorry for what you are going through. The combination of having your thyroids being removed and cyst in the ovaries is definitely lowering your…[Read more]

  • Naomipoa became a registered member 6 years, 7 months ago