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I am so sad Alina. This is so dismal. I can absolutely relate pal. I am likewise finding a decent facility. I am additionally a casualty of A****s facility. I have been confronting fruitlessness since most recent 5 years. It is so disappointing that I have attempted each conceivable treatment yet nothing worked. My uterus isn’t sufficiently accommodating to help a pregnancy. My DH endeavoured to persuade me for selection. In any case, being an embraced youngster I needed to have a natural tyke. Our specialists proposed us to go for surrogacy. Here in Germany, we don’t have a reasonably decent facility. Numerous individuals disclosed to us that we ought to go to this facility as their treatment is modest and of good quality. We continued messaging A****s facility for a considerable length of time, however, didn’t get a solitary reaction. Its very amateurish and I am exceptionally crushed by this conduct.