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    Hello, there dear! I am also a regular visitor of this website and I try to make sure that I am always here together console some or be helpful in any case. Well, I feel really bad about what you had to go through. It is definitely really devastating. I have no words to compensate for the loss and pain that you have faced. However, I would say that you should always keep your head up. There is nothing in this world that has no solution or alternative dear! I am glad that you make a choice of putting it up on a social platform so that many women here could guide. Just stay determined and keep trying to conceive. I am sure that you will have a good news soon.
    Just take care of yourself and spread the positivity!
    Goodluck dear!


    Oh dear God! Another heartbreaking review for this clinic. This is extremely wrong. I think some people do not understand what others are going through. This was extremely unprofessional and unethical of them to not follow up with you. They should have been considerate. At least they need to tell you that they won’t be taking your case. It must have taken a lot of courage to contact them. I can feel you, hun. Lotus shouldn’t have done it. They are not responding to people. They are unprofessional. They are wasting everyone’s time. Is there a way we can report this? Is there an authority that can take action?


    Dear! Hope so you will be fine. just gone through your post. you may consult other as well. One of my friends had surrogacy. just go for the clinic which suits you financially as well of good reputation. Hope you find the clinic that suits your needs. So try to find a better option. I hope it will be good for you.


    Hi, your post made me very very emotional. I know sister how infertility can drain one’s energy. I have been through the same depression. I had to take anti-depressants to fight that depression. But i didnt gave up. I am still searching for treatment options like surrogacy. I am even ready to fly from Ireland to Ukraine for my treatment. I have convinced my husband also. We are trying to collect info before we actually visit the clinic. Though my bad luck prevailed and Adonis clinic staff didnt treated me professionally. Rather the staff is quite ignorant. They didnt seem to treat people with grace. I am quite shocked to know that similar situation dishearten you with another clinic. But I wont loose heart this time. I ll find some good clinic to try this treatment.


    Hello Angelina, hope you are fine. I can understand your agony. It is quite difficult to deal with infertility depression. I have faced this depression. I can relate with your situation quite well.
    Adding to our frustration are such clinics as Lotus. I experienced the same thing. They didnt bother to reply at first. After emailing them for weeks,they finally responded. And that response shattered me further. They don’t know how to talk politely. The profession that desires humanity the most has treated me in most inhumane way. I am quite devastated by their way of responding. I am in search of some other good clinic. I want to do my best to treat my fertility, Fate will decide the rest.


    I am really sorry to say that IVF chances of conceiving are very low. If you are not healthy. It will all be in vain. So I suggest you go for surrogacy. My cousin had her IVF treatment. It was not successful. Because she was not healthy to conceive. Then she moved to that clinic. Then recommended her surrogacy. She was so happy when she first held her baby in her arms. It was the feeling that can’t be described in words. So I will suggest you surrogacy on my sister’s experience. I wish you to have your baby soon. Till then I wish you a very good luck.Baby dust to you


    Hey. I hope you are doing good. I am so sorry to learn about your sufferings. I know it is hard for you. But, don’t give up. There is always a right time for everything. Lotus clinic is behaving in this way with everyone. They have got no concerns about our problems. They are not replying to the patients. No matter how urgent the reply is needed. This is quite an irresponsible attitude. They are going to lose their patients in this way. Check for other clinics on the internet. I am sure you are going to find one soon. All the very best to you. Stay positive.


    With an increase in the rate of infertility, the demand for assisted methods of conception has also increased. There are a lot of clinics that are offering such services. Most of them are spammers. They don’t bother listening to the problems of the patients. All they want to do is get fame. Sadly, among them, Lotus is also listed. My sister had a very bad experience with them. She stated in the mail that she was threatened by her mother in law. She wanted to go for surrogacy as soon as possible. But they didn’t reply to her email. The information she needed was not available on the website too. Now, she is looking for other clinics. It is sad how they are crushing the hopes of people. I am sorry you had a similar experience. This is quite irresponsible on their part.


    Hello, Angelina. How are you doing? I hope you’re okay. I’m really sorry to hear about your problem. You don’t deserve this. Infertility is such a big problem. It’s really important to highlight solutions for it. Surrogacy and IVF are really good methods. They help you get over infertility, easily. Therefore I have a suggestion for you in terms of choosing a good clinic dear! I have recently come across this clinic in Europe. They offer the best services and treatments. Dear make sure to visit this clinic before you make your mind up for either IVF or surrogacy.
    Wish you all the best!


    oh, I’m really sad for you. you also become a victim of lotus.they are fake. they don’t have any experience. that’s why they don’t answer the emails. many people among you and me wasted a lot of time, and money.i was waiting for the reply, almost six months. I recommend you to search for clinics in best wishes are with you. good luck.


    I hope you’re okay. I’m really sorry to hear about your problem. We all don’t deserve this. I have heard a lot of women having a bad experience with them. Infertility has already been such a problem and then such kind of behavior hurts me. Lotus clinic is a scam. They waste the precious time of people. They are just looting people. However, the problem that comes in is that some clinics take advantage. They need shut down this if they can’t handle it. Be careful and stay away from them. Good luck to you, I hope things get better, soon. Sending baby dust your way.

    emma joe

    Hi there hope and belief that you are doing awesome. I’m extremely sorry to learn about your concern. We as a whole don’t merit this. I have heard a considerable measure of ladies having a terrible involvement with them. Fruitlessness has just been such an issue and afterward such sort of conduct harms me. Lotus facility is a trick. They squander the valuable time of individuals. They are simply plundering individuals. In any case, the issue that comes in is that a few facilities exploit. They require close down this on the off chance that they can’t deal with it. Be watchful and avoid them. So, at the end of my message i will suggest the infertility problem facing women to go for the best clinic only because the clinic matters than the procedure i will say for Ukraine BiotexCom the best places having high success ratio from another place in the world. 🙂 “


    hi there. Hope you are doing well. I almost daily come across such news. It’s very sad. These clinics are hurting people. It’s dreadful. I don’t know what these clinics are up to. Their duty is to deal with patients. They are just scams. Annoying others. Don’t worry dear. There are good clinics in Europe. You can surely contact them. I hope you will find a way out. Good luck. God bless you.


    This is such an embarrassing situation. This clinic is so bad according to their behavior. They should reply to your emails. It is very bad manners. They have no guts to manage their patients. Hope it will be Close soon. About the surrogacy, I will tell you that it is working very best way. Please try it for you. Wish you the best of luck.


    Dear Angelina, I have read your post. I am sorry for that. I will suggest you go to some other clinic as soon as possible. This clinic is not good at all. You can see their behavior. They should reply as soon. It is their duty. But they are treating their patients very roughly. I have seen some other post also about the situation. So need to leave the clinic. Best of luck.

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