
  • emma replied to the topic A dark end in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Hi there. Hope you are feeling better now. I can totally understand your situation. My friend tried contacting Lotus clinic. They didn’t reply to her yet. She was very worried. She emailed them a number of times. Still no response. I was so shocked to see their behavior. I am telling my friend not to get worried. I asked her not to waste time or…[Read more]

  • emma replied to the topic Fertility clinics in the forum Surrogacy Agencies 6 years ago

    Hi there. Hope you are doing well. You are right. Some of the clinics are surely scams. I heard a lot of bad experiences regarding them. But there are good clinics in Europe. Everyone can easily consult them via email. They provide you with very good services. If anyone wants to go for the procedures. They can contact them. I hope there will be no…[Read more]

  • Hi there. Hope you are doing well. I am happy that you found a good clinic. Not everyone is lucky enough. My friend contacted a clinic named Lotus. They have not even replied her yet. What kind of behavior is this?. Why are they not replying to their clients?. I want everyone to be aware of these scams. Don’t waste your time on them. They are…[Read more]

  • emma replied to the topic Infertility in the forum Contracts, Insurance & Legal 6 years ago

    Hi there. Hope you are doing well. You are right some of the clinics are spam. They are just looters. Be aware of them. They are just a waste of time and money. There are good clinics in Europe. One can go for them. They have good management. They provide the best facilities. I have heard a lot about them. Wish luck to everyone. Thanks for an…[Read more]

  • emma replied to the topic Fertility clinics in the forum Surrogacy Agencies 6 years ago

    Hi there. I have also heard about them. They have poor management. They don’t reply to their clients. But there are surely good clinics. Wish luck to everyone. God bless.

  • emma replied to the topic Surrogacy Experience in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Hi there. Hope you are doing well. I am so happy for you. It’s really good that you went for surrogacy. I also went for it. I am a happy mother now. It was definitely awkward for me in starting. I kept it confidential from family. But then after the birth of my daughter. I opened up about it. I convinced then logically. Now all of them are happy.…[Read more]

  • emma replied to the topic Intro in the forum Budgeting & Financial 6 years ago

    Hi there. Sorry about the problems. But I am glad you decided best. Finally, you are going for surrogacy. Hope everything will be fine. You will find a good surrogate soon. Wish luck to you.

  • emma replied to the topic Surrogacy and expenses in the forum Budgeting & Financial 6 years ago

    Hi there. Thank you for sharing it. You are right surrogates go through a lot of physical and mental pain. They give you happiness. They sacrifice their emotions. I salute them for it. Infertility is a curse. They play an important part in your happiness. They are a blessing. Without them, surrogacy has no meaning. I wish we could feel them. We…[Read more]

  • emma replied to the topic Surrogacy Suggestions in the forum Surrogacy Agencies 6 years ago

    Hi there. Hope you are doing well. I am happy you are going for surrogacy. It helped a lot of people. There are good clinics for it. You will definitely get the benefit. Will be waiting for more updates. Wish luck to you all.

  • emma replied to the topic My TTC in the forum Surrogacy Agencies 6 years ago

    Hi there. I hope you are fine. Surrogacy is a blessing indeed. You are deciding right to go for it. You should go for it. It will surely help. A lot of people got success. I went for surrogacy. I have a surrogate daughter now. I feel blessed by her. No doubt motherhood is the best feeling of the world. I am enjoying it. I hope you will be a mother…[Read more]

  • emma replied to the topic infertile in the forum Family Life 6 years ago

    Hi there. Hope you are doing well. sorry to hear about your sufferings. It’s very sad. There are a lot of people who are a victim of infertility. Give her hope. Everything will be fine soon. She can search for a good clinic. There are a lot of clinics who are doing their best. I have heard some of them are not good. I hope every one of us needs to…[Read more]

  • emma replied to the topic Surrogacy. in the forum Egg Donation 6 years ago

    Hi there. Hope you are doing well. Surrogacy is a blessing indeed. It’s a blessing indeed. I am sorry about all the people who are suffering. But stay strong. Everything has a right time. These scientific methods enable us to have kids. Many of the same-sex and infertile couples could get this happiness. These methods are completing families. The…[Read more]

  • emma replied to the topic Clinic Suggestion? in the forum International Surrogacy 6 years ago

    Hey there. How are you doing?. There are a lot of clinics in Europe. You can surely consult them. They are the best. They have good management. They will exactly guide you about the details and cost. Wish your friend luck.

  • emma replied to the topic Bad Experience in the forum International Surrogacy 6 years ago

    hi there. Hope you are doing well. I almost daily come across such news. It’s very sad. These clinics are hurting people. It’s dreadful. I don’t know what these clinics are up to. Their duty is to deal with patients. They are just scams. Annoying others. Don’t worry dear. There are good clinics in Europe. You can surely contact them. I hope you…[Read more]

  • emma replied to the topic 5 Years Search in the forum Baby On The Way 6 years ago

    Hi there. Hope you are doing well. I wish everything will be fine soon. Your story is very motivational. Keep hopes high. Stay positive. Everything will be fine soon. Wish you luck.

  • emma replied to the topic surrogacy ir IVF in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Hey dear. I hope you are doing well. Your question is really confusing. But the reality is you can answer it
    only. It really depends on your preference. Rather you should decide it with your husband. You can ask him what is his preference. You both could mutually decide it. Whether you guys want your own genetical child or go for adoption. Some…[Read more]

  • emma replied to the topic aortions in the forum Adoption Agencies 6 years ago

    Hey dear. Hope you are doing great. Thank you for raising this topic on this platform. Killing is not justified in any case. I don’t know how they can kill their own children. That’s insane. They are responsible for having them. I wish we all could understand it. Good luck.

  • emma replied to the topic How can I select egg donors? in the forum Egg Donation 6 years ago

    Hey dear. Hope you are doing great. I know These procedures are difficult for the donors. They get enough money. But the pain is real. the child has their genes. So they obviously have an attraction to them. It’s really difficult to avoid it. They are very brave to spread happiness amongst others. Selecting them is really difficult. I can feel the…[Read more]

  • emma replied to the topic 40+ and Pregnant in the forum Baby On The Way 6 years ago

    Hey dear. Hope you are doing great. Congratulations on having a baby. Things happen beyond our expectations. And I think it was the best surprise ever. Glad to hear a good news. Hope you will enjoy your pregnancy. Take care of yourself. You need to have a good diet. Follow the instructions of the doctor. Don’t forget exercise. Will be waiting for…[Read more]

  • emma replied to the topic Surrogacy last Hope in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 1 month ago

    Hey dear. Sorry about all the bad things. Hope everything is good for you. Surrogacy is a good option indeed. It will surely work for you too. You can contact clinics in Europe. They are giving their best. Many couples got the blessing. I hope you will find happiness soon. You had been through a lot of sufferings. You are very strong. You are…[Read more]

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