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5 Years Search

Home Forums Surrogacy Baby On The Way 5 Years Search

  • This topic has 52 replies, 40 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Aria.
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  • #3996

    Hi, hope so you are doing great. Wow, I really appreciate your post. It will give hope to many. The method of surrogacy guarantees success. This is the reason my sister chose it. She was very upset when doctors broke the news that she couldn’t conceive naturally. Now she is blessed with a baby girl. Sending you love.


    I hope you are doing good. You have got such an inspiring story. I am glad that hear from you. I know dealing with all these situations with a positive approach is hard. You have to stay positive all the time. But, you are brave enough to handle all this with vigilance. Wishing you all the happiness of the world.


    Thanks for sharing your experience. It is really motivational. It gives hope to all those TTC. One has to keep her hopes high. Wait for the right time. Good luck to all those TTC. I wish you more happiness in your life. Much love to you.


    Hi there. Hope you are doing well. I wish everything will be fine soon. Your story is very motivational. Keep hopes high. Stay positive. Everything will be fine soon. Wish you luck.


    Wow Tifanny, I am so happy for you. Congratulations! I hope things go well until your delivery. I am an infertile for such a long time. I am 36 and still finding hope in surrogacy. Though I heard a lot about Lotus clinic, but they disappointed me with their unprofessional behavior. I wont give up. I am all set to start my search again for a better clinic to feel the happiness that you are feeling. Wish me Luck 🙂


    Hi, How are you? wow. Really you are very strong. You waited for five years. It is very tough time. TTC is really very hard period. Your husband is very supportive. Your story teaches us a lot. It teaches us to never give up. Miracles can happen. Thank you for sharing this. Good wishes.


    hey Tiffany! What’s going on? I am so sorry that you have to face this hurdle in your life. I think a woman who faces this hurled in her life bravely have an actual right to be called a noble. And I am very happy for you that you prove yourself. from where you treat yourself? I really looking for a clinic for my friend. she is also very depressed. And become disappointed with her life. I hope you will share this clinic with me. I think your husband loves you a lot. you are very lucky that you have a cooperative husband. I admit it remained a tough journey for you. but believe me dear I think it has made you strong. You know I think life has two turns, Happiness and grief. You have face grief now it’s a turn of happiness. Good luck dude.


    I feel so sorry for what you had gone through. You had made really a great struggle. But I am happy that you are pregnant now. Congratulations! Children are a gift. You must be a very lucky lady because getting pregnant after 5 years struggle is really great. I hope you will get your baby soon. Take care of yourself. God bless you

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