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Surrogacy & MC & TTC

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  • This topic has 61 replies, 49 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #3491

    Thanks for sharing such an informative post. I agree with you 100%. I myself also undergoing the process myself. I am having it from a clinic in Ukraine. I am actually also referred by someone. They had surrogacy there successfully! So, yeah! It’s all covered and protected by the law. I agree with you. I was also worried in the beginning but, I’ve seen a successful case. So, yeah! I am calm now! I’ve also signed a contract that will be binding all of us. So, yeah! People should really know what’s their right! What they are going for! Stay blessed! xx

    Felicia Saz

    Hi. I’m so sorry you had to go through this. Losing a baby is hard. You lost three, this is too much. I’m glad things finally worked out for you. Going for surrogacy was a wise idea. Congratulations to you.

    Leslie Adams

    Hey. I’m so sorry for your loss. It isn’t easy having hope for 3 times and then losing it. I can’t even imagine the pain that you’ve been through. No one should go through that. Your decision to opt for surrogacy is commendable. It is giving so much hope to so many people around the world. It’s a brave choice. I hope you find the strength to go through it just as you did through all of your miscarriages. You’re an amazingly strong woman. Stay strong love! xx

    Farah Smith

    Hey sweetheart, how are you? Hope you are fine and in good health. I feel really sorry to know about your miscarriage. You are going through hard times. I can feel that pain. I had faced similar kind of situation. I didn’t give up and I hope you will also get fruits very soon. Well, my sweetheart, I would suggest you go for surrogacy. Its an amazing blessing of science. The good thing about surrogacy is that gives guaranteed results. If everything will be done through quality clinics then results are guaranteed. I have read so many success stories of surrogacy. My good wishes and prayers are with you. Good luck


    Hey everyone hope you all are fine. Im new here. Doing a post. Telling my story. I have an experience with a clinic lotus. This was such a worst experience. They didn’t take care of their patients. They are only doing this for money. Not for sake of humanity. There are no facilities there. It was very bad for me. My husband and me are now searching for other clinics. If anybody have any information about my problem. Please inform me. Im waiting for your replies.

    Martina John

    Hey Olivia! Hope so you will be fine. I really felt so sad to know about your miscarriages. Seriously, the grief os this loss is unforgettable. I can understand because I have also been through the whole situation. Really, it embarrasses a lot. But don’t lose hope. Such ups and downs are the part of life. I’m glad that you are going for surrogacy. It’s a great option to avail. I have also adopted surrogacy to have a baby in my life. Seriously, it’s a blessing for infertile couples. As you are going for it, choose the best clinic regarding surrogacy. Because it’s a bit complicated process. I hope you got my point.
    My sympathies


    It was really hard for you. It’s such a painful experience. Being TTC for the year. Than face miscarriages. It was really very hard for you. I am really worried after reading your post. It makes me sad. In the end, it was best. That you opt for surrogacy. Surrogacy is the best thing for homeless people. Just because you have chosen the good clinic. That’s why your surrogacy was successful. There is the worst clinic like a lotus in Europe. They don’t give responses to people in trouble I wish nobody had their experience there. I am very happy for you. I wish you a very good luck


    There’s a lot of stresses involved with conceiving. It’s such a tough thing, TTC. I know it can get very difficult. However, we mustn’t lose hope. Surrogacy is a beautiful process. I think you’ll do very well with it. If you are completely sure you don’t mind not carrying your child then you should definitely go for it. It’s the baby you get what matters most in the end. Your child. Nothing beats that. I think you’ll find great clinics in Europe. They’re a lot more budget friendly as well. I wish you all the best of luck. Do share the rest of your experience with us!


    Hi, I hope you are fine. Infertility is a big problem. People have been living with it through ages. Life of people has been under huge depression because of it. Modern science has changed the life of people. It has made so many changes in our society. Choose a good clinic, Lotus and Adios are not good ones. People nowadays can go for surrogacy. Surrogacy is a process in which a surrogate mother would carry your child. I have been studying it. It is not a difficult process. You should go for it if you can afford it. It will change your life for the better and you would be able to help yourself. Your child will be very much a reason for your happiness.


    I’m feeling sad for you. Miscarriages are very heartbreaking. It’s very difficult to bear such torment. Believe me, surrogacy is very beneficial. Due to its high success rates, people are opting for it. So, without wasting time, you’d go for it. May your all desires be fulfilled!


    I’m very sorry for. I hope you are feeling well. Thanks for sharing your experience that can help other. I shocked to see that you face miscarriage three times. It’s very difficult to time for women . I want to share my experience of miscarriage may be that can help other. Miscarriage hurt a lot. There is no other feeling worse than the feeling of losing your unborn baby. I was 25 years old when I got pregnant first time. A bike hit me on road accident and I face miscarriage due to this worse event. My bones were broken. After treatment doctor said to me that you’re infertile. That event was the worse event of my life. My friend guided me to a clinic in Europe. I went there and concern with the doctor. The doctor told me about different infertility treatments IVF, IUI, and surrogacy. He suggested me surrogacy as the good infertility treatment. After surrogacy treat, I have 2 babies. Now, I am very happy.


    Hey Olivia. How are you doing? Hope so you are doing fine now. Well, my dear, I am so sorry for your losses. This is really unfortunate for you. All my sympathies are with you and yes my dear doesn’t lose hope. Stay strong. Things will definitely come to you on time. Surrogacy is the right choice for you. Best of luck.


    Hey Olivia! I hope you are doing great. I feel terrible to hear about your miscarriages. infertility is very painful; emotionally and physically. All the difficulties you have to face from society and your family tend to lower down your morale. But you need to believe in yourself even when no one does. Trust me I have been there. I had the support of my husband only. You must not lose hopes. You will get the baby at the right time. Just don’t be disheartened, Sweetie. Sending baby dust and best wishes to your way!


    I feel so sad to hear about your MC. This is awful to hear about anyone’s MC. That’s not a minor thing that any women could deal with. This needs the courage to overcome such things. And I am so proud of women like you who get over all such circumstances so well. And moves on in their life.
    And Yes surrogacy is a common method but this is a long-term procedure. And you have to be mentally prepared for all the twist and turns you would get to see. There are many things that you should consider before stepping towards this procedure.

    Mrs Mcguill

    Sorry to hear about your miscarriages. Losing hope after bearing so much is normal. But I am glad that you came out stronger. Now you are looking at alternatives. Yes, I think you should go for surrogacy. I will always recommend surrogacy. That is because surrogacy will be giving me two beautiful daughters soon. I hope it ends well for you too.

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