
  • Infertility’s a curse. I wish people didn’t have to go through it. Anyway, there are procedures like surrogacy for us now. That is such a blessing really. I think going for it is definitely a good idea. Also, try clinics in Europe for a better cost option.

  • Hey! Good to hear you’re better. I am sorry you had to go through the hardships. I think you’re making a good decision. Surrogacy will go well for you. You should try looking at clinics abroad. Even though you’re stable financially, they’ll be lighter on your wallet. I think you’ll do great. Don’t over think it. Just go. I’ve gotten it done as…[Read more]

  • Victoria replied to the topic Surrogacy. in the forum Surrogacy Agencies 5 years, 11 months ago

    Hey! I hope you’re good. It’s nice to hear you’re thinking about this. I think you’ll do great with it. You shouldn’t overthink about this. Find a clinic and get on with it. Wishing you a baby very soon!

  • Victoria replied to the topic Surrogacy in the forum Adoption Agencies 5 years, 11 months ago

    Hey! Thanks for this post. You’ve highlighted some important things. You’re right about what you said. Surrogacy sure is beautiful. I think we shouldn’t shun it. It’s costly too as you said. However, there are clinics abroad that offer it at a better price. Surrogacy is essentially a means for infertile people to get children. Not only that but it…[Read more]

  • Victoria replied to the topic Surrogacy. in the forum Getting Started 5 years, 11 months ago

    Hey! This question seems to be very popular. It’s always a big debate. I think if you”re tied between the two, there’s obviously a part of you that aches for a baby that’s biologically yours. I say the cost is almost the same, so go for surrogacy. You’ll be much happier. Good luck with it!

  • Hey! I think I can help you out well here. I went through quite some of the same of what you have. I had cancerous polyps which required my uterus to be removed. I was in a dark phase until I was finally introduced to surrogacy. I researched it and finally my DH and I took the decision. We found a clinic with good packages and went for it. I’m…[Read more]

  • Hey! You’ve highlighted some important points here. I think these factors are what one should definitely consider before going for surrogacy. There are better options as you say compared to America. I personally have gone for surrogacy as well. I’m so happy with the outcome. 🙂

  • Victoria replied to the topic Suggestions in the forum Baby On The Way 5 years, 11 months ago

    Hi! Well, your chances of conceiving are definitely there. Age plays a big factor in TTC. But there are many still who succeed. I think your best bet is to keep trying. Give it time. Or if you’re impatient, I’d suggest you start looking into your options alongside. It’s understandable to want to want this as soon as possible. Considering your age,…[Read more]

  • Hello dear! I hope you’re feeling better now. I wish you didn’t have to go through such a tough time. However, sadly many do. TTC is no easy thing. There are soo many out there who face difficulties as you are. I think it’s best to be patient and to be completely thorough in your research for alternatives. So far, you seem to be on the right…[Read more]

  • Hi! I pray you’re well. There’s a lot of stresses involved with conceiving. It’s such a tough thing, TTC. I know it can get very difficult. However, we mustn’t lose hope. Surrogacy is a beautiful process. I think you’ll do very well with it. If you are completely sure you don’t mind not carrying your child then you should definitely go for it.…[Read more]

  • Victoria replied to the topic My TTC in the forum Surrogacy Agencies 5 years, 11 months ago

    I think surrogacy is a great way to complete your family I think you’ll be in good hands. Just choose your clinic well. IVF and other methods have only some chance of success. However, with surrogacy at least you don’t have that uncertainty problem. WIshing you all the best. Do keep us updated!

  • Hello! I think you’re very right. One shouldn’t lose hope. Children are a true blessing. If you have decided to have them once, then you should continue trying until you get them. TTC can be tough. It can stretch to months or years with no success. I am someone who’s not able to conceive due to having no uterus. I then turned to surrogacy as my on…[Read more]

  • Hey! I’m sorry about this. There are much better clinics out there. You just have to be careful. What procedure was it that you were going for? I think it’s a great decision you’ve made. Don’t let this discourage you. You’ll find a great ending to your story 🙂

  • Hi there. You’re right. Surrogacy’s probably the most efficient. I think it’s a great procedure. However, we shouldn’t undermine IVF and IUI. They’re all there for our help. These methods have made life so much easier for thousands of people.

  • Hi! I hope you and the family are doing well. I’m glad everything turned out for the best for you. Infertility’s really tough on some people. You came out of it shining. Surrogacy’s a great procedure. I think it’s great that you opted for it. Do keep spreading the motivation and positivity, love!

  • Hey! I hope you’re well. Infertility is such a sad reality. But it’s all for your best to keep your minds open to options. Surrogacy is a great such option. I have seen many people take on to it and change their lives. Youtube is filled with such beautiful stories. So inspiring. I think it’s time we stop shunning the procedure. However, I’m glad…[Read more]

  • Victoria started the topic Need suggestions! in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Hey everyone. I think you can help out here. A friend is facing difficulties in TTC. I recommended she go for IVF or surrogacy. She’s open to both options. She just can’t narrow down to one. IVF is great in that she can conceive herself. But there are many cases where it isn’t successful. Or it is very time-taking. Surrogacy, on the other hand,…[Read more]

  • Victoria replied to the topic A dark end in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Please don’t be this upset. It hurts me to see you like this. Losing hope. I want you to keep it together, please. Everything will get better. I promise. There are so many that face infertility issues. You’re not alone in this. I think you should try going for an IVF. It really helps many. Some clinics even offer multiple tries til success. That…[Read more]

  • I’m very happy to hear that sweetie! It’s great to hear that your baby’s just along the way. You’re right about wanting lower costs. These procedures cost a lot. Where did you end up going then? I don’t suppose it must’ve been Lotus? That clinic just brings back bad memories for me. I tried to contact them in my time of need. They just didn’t care…[Read more]

  • Victoria replied to the topic Golden Chance in the forum Surrogacy Agencies 6 years ago

    This is such a good opportunity, really! I think a lot can benefit from this. There are such good clinics like this one. And then there’s Lotus. God, it just makes me mad thinking about that one. I have written numerous emails to it and never gotten a reply. It’s just so annoying. How do you plan to run a clinic like that? When you don’t even…[Read more]

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