alisha grey

  • Hi Cristin! You seem like a really optimistic person. I love it when I meet people like you 🙂 You are so right. We should always check every possibility first. Because this is the only way we can be sure that we will find a cure. I personally have seen ladies not thinking like this. Everyone wants to have a child but when they hear a bad news,…[Read more]

  • Hi Race! How are you? I understand where you are coming from. Talking to strangers, especially on a platform like this, can really make you feel relaxed. I was declared infertile when I joined this forum. Then I saw so many ladies helping each other. I received support from everyone. Heard and still heard invaluable opinions. Back to your post – I…[Read more]

  • alisha grey became a registered member 6 years, 8 months ago