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Sorry for the big post

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    Hi. I know a similar story of my friend. She too as of late chose to have a baby, when being 41 years old. Everybody disclosed to her that she is insane. That there was no chance she could be effective. Evidently, she had lost the possibility. In any case, she si certain. Her tubes are blocked. So her own particular eggs are not feasible. Regardless of the possibility that age wasn’t an issue. In this way, donor eggs it is. How could you discover a donor easily? For her, she approached a companion for offer assistance. She is 36 years old. Simply sitting tight for the green flag from the specialists. I trust she is a reasonable applicant. My friend does not have any other individual as a primary concern.


    Hi Race, Please don’t get worried just because you think you posted so much , This platform here is exactly for the things like this , We are all gathered here to help each other on their problems. I totally agree with you on your matter sometimes we have to stop talk to our closed ones because they are looking us with regret and that is not what we wanted at that time and that is just falling us apart, don’t worry we’ve all been there. The problem you stated is just you are getting nervous just give it some time it’ll give you a great result. you are injected with pregnyl 5000 and it didn’t showed you any result but that is not the end and please take it as an advice but chose one doctor and let him treat you up, don’t change doctors time by time it’s not helpful.

    Nicola wilson

    Hey dear, life sometimes treats you harshly and throws hurdles on your path. You have to be strong and cross those hurdles with determination. However, when things don’t work out the way you want so just back and think of the options you have. Have you consulted your doctor that why aren’t the injections working? Do ask about clomid, that if it’s a better option than pregnyl? Don’t worry sometimes the time is not right for things to work out. Do keep us updated. Would love to hear more from you.

    alisha grey

    Hi Race! How are you? I understand where you are coming from. Talking to strangers, especially on a platform like this, can really make you feel relaxed. I was declared infertile when I joined this forum. Then I saw so many ladies helping each other. I received support from everyone. Heard and still heard invaluable opinions. Back to your post – I will agree with others and advise going to another expert doctor. I’m a bit surprised actually that you haven’t already done that. One should always seek a second opinion. Don’t rely on one doctor’s judgment. I’m speaking from my personal experience. Where are you from? If you are from California, let me know. I can give you details of some good experts. Toodaloo!

    madonna houston

    Well, I’m no doctor but I still think switching between doctors is not good. I’m sorry, ladies. I’m no opposition here. I see almost all say that seek a second opinion. IMO that may make a subject for experiments. I mean when you go to a new doctor, you tell them all. Still, they treat you the way they treat other patients. That is solely dependent on their professional judgment. Sticking to one will help you feel relaxed. Your doc will deeply understand your situation (Hell, I mean he/she might just give you a discount, lol). Anyway, if you, Race, think that your consultant is not good. Then it’s all the more reason to change. If you don’t feel so, then better just stick with them. May good things come your way!


    It is good that you are expressing your feeling here. It is never healthy to bottle up your feelings. This forum is the really best place to talk about feelings.
    In this situation, I think you should seek professional help. You are so on point with what you had to say about life. You have to make sacrifices to get happiness.
    Try to stay positive through all of this. I wish you luck and the positive results.


    You should choose a doctor and stick to one. Moving from one doctor to another will not help. Although sometimes it is good to get an alternative answer. I am not saying that it is bad to be moving. But I just think it will be better if you had a doctor who understands you well. They will now how to deal with your case. Although once in a while it is not bad to get alternative solution. Going for three years with no solution I do pity you. I feel like you were wasted all those days. Why did you not start taking immediate action after the first trial That would have helped a lot. But now maybe you should stop the injections. I bet even your body is now used to it. Why don’t you try something else like IVF or surrogacy. You might get a different answer. Especially if this time you go for a trusted clinic. All the best dear.


    Yours seems a long story. All those years trying to conceive and the results do not come out positive. Even after changing the doctor. From the experience that i8 have. I have learnt that one has to be sure of the doctor that is attending you. Some are not professional. It is good if you go for one that has been in the profession long enough. That means that they might have come across such a situation before. So kindly be sure if here you go get treatment. And also having one doctor for long term treatment is beneficial. This is to make him or her aware of your long term problem. A new doctor has to get some time before they get accustomed to your illness. Maybe it requires some follow up that needs to have been taken long enough. I do hope that this will help you out. I am not really certain of the solution to your particular illness. But I do hope that you will find what you are looking for.

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