
  • Lynist replied to the topic New here in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 5 months ago

    hey there felicia.welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your story.Its nice to see that you have a little family started.I am sure its just a wonderful feeling.You made the right decision joining the forum.This is such a wonderful place for women of all kind.I myself have been trying to get pregnant for so long.Ive had my ovaries and…[Read more]

  • guys, please tell honestly. If you had to choose between adoption or surrogacy.Which one would you go for and why?I mean this has been an age long debate.I just wanted to know what you guys thought about this.I mean from a moral standpoint.Do you guys believe that surrogacy is immoral?These are just my perspectives guys.You are free to disagree or…[Read more]

  • Lynist replied to the topic we are losing it in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 6 months ago

    I had dealt with the exact same issue for almost 2 years. the greatest lesson I learned was that running away from your demons only fuel them and they always come back stronger.Take your problem as is and accept all facts. IVF is a strong option but I would recommend getting a fertility test before that to see how much chance of success IVF has.Do…[Read more]

  • um, to be honest, my financial status does not even allow me to go through surrogacy in the states. Especially now with the situation with taxes Its honestly just better to get it done from abroad. Catering for other expenses such as travelling, hotelling, dining etc through the somewhat research I have done you can still save around 20-30k. The…[Read more]

  • Lynist became a registered member 6 years, 6 months ago