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    Felicia Saz

    Hey Everyone. My name is Felicia. I’m a new member here.Looking forward to connecting with you all here. My sister recommended I join this forum. So here I am. I’m 40. I have a son who is nine months old. I had him through surrogacy. That was just a little something about me.


    hey there felicia.welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your story.Its nice to see that you have a little family started.I am sure its just a wonderful feeling.You made the right decision joining the forum.This is such a wonderful place for women of all kind.I myself have been trying to get pregnant for so long.Ive had my ovaries and fallopian tubes removed.So the hope is little dim for myself.Anyways take care of yourself.

    Felicia Saz

    Hey. Thank you so much for replying to my post. Very sorry to hear about your situation. Don’t you worry. I’m sure something will work out for you. I’m always here to talk if you want. Good luck with everything.

    Sasha James

    Hi there Felicia. How are you doing? I hope you are doing great. Really good to hear about your son. I have two twins. Had them through surrogacy too. Welcome to the forum. Hope to hear more from you.


    Hi there! It’s great to meet you! I hope you as well as your son are doing well. I’m happy to find a fellow who got their kid through surrogacy. I had a great experience at my end. My clinic was so caring and reassuring. Hoping to get to know you more! Best of wishes!


    Hi Felicia! It’s good to know you! I hope you and your son are well and healthy. It’s great connecting with fellow IPs. Don’t you agree? I’m glad you joined this forum. It’ll be great for you! So many inspiring stories here. I’ll tell you a little about myself now. I’m Victoria. I was unable to conceive naturally because my uterus was removed some time ago. It was due to cancerous polyps. It was a great tough time. However, I came through it thanks to surrogacy. It has resulted in my beautiful daughter. She’s an angel.


    Hey there. Hope you are doing fine. It’s a great news that you are a mother now. I also chose surrogacy after all the miscarriage tragedy I have gone through. I chose Ukraine clinic for surrogacy. I made my mind for this clinic because it is renown clinic for surrogacy. Surrogacy from this clinic worked in my case. Now its been 8 months almost to surrogacy and I am waiting for my baby to come. I am so happy that I will hold my baby in my hands.


    Glad to hear that you have a son via surrogacy.
    We have contacted clinic for this issue and they are helping us in each and every stage.
    I conceived for three times but every pregnancy resulted in miscarriage.
    I persuaded my husband to go for the surrogacy method to have a baby.
    The consultant has given us a detail of this issue in every aspect.
    They let us meet with the other couples who are raising babies via surrogacy method too.
    The couples feedback is so satisfying that we are now ready to go for surrogacy.
    The clinic has a number of surrogates who are willing to raise our child in their womb.
    The clinic says that they will go through extensive tests methods to clear all the reports of surrogate so that we don’t have any problems later on.
    The clinic says that the surrogate should be good physically and should be perfectly alright.
    The clinic has also its own many surrogates but they are looking the best one for us.
    I found many clinics good surrogacy record and a positive review too.
    Me and my husband are looking for a surrogate to raise our child in her womb.
    The clinic will help us to find such a good mom.
    If someone has experience regarding surrogacy please let us know about your experience.


    You are so welcomed dear. Feel at home. There is no place better than here. Keep on dreaming big. We have people who have been through a lot. And I am glad that you have made it taht far. I do hope that you still want to expand your family. Either by surrogacy again or any other procedure. Just do not give up. I am sure you are already an inspiration to someone. Perhaps you could tell us why you went for surrogacy. There might be someone who is undergoing the same here. And you would have helped that person. Here we share our experiences and encourage each other. So if you have any other information taht you feel might be of help kindly speak out. It will surely help someone. Nevertheless you are so welcomed. You can tell others to join too. Do not benefit alone, haha.


    Hi there, Felicia! Welcome to this forum. I am glad that you joined this forum. People who have similar stories can share their stories here. We all can give hopes and advises to each other here. Everyone is very sweet and helpful here. Congratulations on your son. You took a wise decision by choosing surrogacy. Infertility is very common nowadays. But people do not do anything about it due to lack of information. There are so many alternatives that people can go for. Like IVF, surrogacy etc. I’m glad you found a way for yourself. Please share your experience here so that everyone who has a similar problem can seek out any help from your post. Where did you get treated from? What were the charges? Did they treat you good? Any help would be appreciated.

    Felicia Saz

    Hey everyone. Thank you so much for a warm welcome. I feel so good knowing there are so many nice people here on this forum. Thanks a lot for all the nice and supportive comments. I’m really looking forward to connecting with you all. I was just reading all these comments and I realized how much I can relate to you all. It feels great. Think I can make some really good friends here.


    i’m new here.I’m from Japan.We moved to Europe to find our heaven.
    Surrogacy is ban in Japan.And i’m infertile due to some cancer reasons. So we moved to Europe to find surrogacy related clinics. We consulted many clinics in Europe. Than we came to know about clinics in Ukraine and we moved to Ukraine.
    In ukraine we found a very good clinic.
    Now we are having twins with the help of this clinic.The clinic gave us a very good surrogate mom.With the help of that mom we are having our two twin daughters.
    We are so excited and happy.
    Feedback and suggestions much admired.


    Felicia Saz we give you a warm welcome. We are happy to see you here. We are here to just discuss our issues and priorities. You can also take part in our conversation. Our conversion might help you. because we discuss most of the time natural treatments. If we couldn’t find the solution, then we move forward towards medicine. I am Chicago and looking for my best match. But I am thinking to conceive naturally.

    Shirley Akin

    Hey Felicia! How are you? Welcome to the forum. Nice recommendation from your sister ;). So how is everything? Had a son through surrogacy you said. That’s pretty amazing. Congratulations dear. You must be excited about him. Good for you. I have a 7 month old daughter. Had her through IVF. Such a trouble maker she is :). I love her so much. Hope to hear more from you. We are here to help. You can talk about anything you like. Much love.

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