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we are losing it

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    Berta Rose

    Hello all. It seems we are losing it! we have been tired, we have tried different, even alternative therapies, we have greatly limited our anxiety … but nothing is done! my doctor tells me that if it was meant to be these 2 years it would have been, let’s not look for it elsewhere, let’s accept it … we see many couples split up after such an adventure .. we are young, we do not have any particular problems… why do we waste time? He suggests testing the IVF, is almost certain that everything will work well, that we will avoid any more suffering and that we will later manage much easier second pregnancy !!I understand what she says, I really start to worry more and get tired and lose my enthusiasm to fight it, I just have trouble making a decision, I think that extracorporeal is a cold and medical way to sneak your child … but I want this child! does the way of its creation ultimately matter? in the end it is only the desire for this new life and how we want it; I just write and I ask for your support.


    So, you tried alternative therapies, and reduced your anxiety levels. However, you still failed
    It is very easy to feel stressed during in these times. However, you should try to stay cool, calm & collected. I know it is just easier said than done. I guess stress levels in a factor in your indecisiveness. Thanks for sharing your story with us here. I encourage you to take steps to reduce your stress levels. I wish you the best of luck


    By the way, I know how overwhelming this situation is. I have been TTC for 4 years, so I really can relate to what you are saying. Still, as I mentioned earlier, every cloud has a silver lining. Keep that in mind going forward. Life presents a few challenges, which we can overcome. By overcoming, and staying positive, you get to develop your self-control, which is key in any sphere of our lives. Read up on a good book, or binge-watch a show, you have love. These two I do on religiously, and I consider them essential in helping me reduce my stress

    Ella wilson

    I admire how motivated you are. Don’t give up. If your doctor suggests giving up, then change your doctor. Go to someone who is more optimistic. You don’t need this negativity. Think of other options. There is this clinic I heard of: . I really liked their tagline that there is no absolute infertility.

    Elektra Gia

    Hello Berta! Hope you are doing good. You are right path dear. IVF is a good option don’t think too much thousands of couples have been through IVF procedure and now they are happy and satisfied with their kids. The thing you are thinking doesn’t matter dear. What all matters are your baby. So, focus on your baby which you will get after IVF. and yes, even IVF won’t help if you are going through mental trauma or anxieties. So, spare yourself from all this and hope for the best. Good luck


    If you really want a child you will do anything for it. I will tell you not to give up. It is only the strongest who make it at the end of the line. I know of a couple that tried to conceive for over 12 years. And they later managed it. They are now proud parents. If your husband love you that much he will not let you go. You will go through the storm together. I have seen marriages break because of this. But if you are still together you have nothing to worry. 2 years off TTC is not that long. As far as you got each other back then that’s enough. Having a partner that is there for you in such a period is something to be happy of. Even if you do not get a child but at least you got your partner. But do not stop trying. I believe one day your prayers are going to be answered. It is never the end of the world. Whatever we do, we do it because we want a family. Never let that diminish your dreams. Go for it dear. Never stop looking for what will make you happy. We are here to offer you support. Whenever you feel you want to share kindly do so.


    2 years is not that much to complain for. I know of a couple that went 15 years TTC. So let that be your motivation. When you are really in need of something. You will do whatever it takes to accomplish it. Never let lose of your hope for anything. Even if the doctor tells you that there are minimal chances. They are also human and are not 100% sure. How many people have been told by doctors that there days are numbered? Yet today we are still with them and they have long life ahead of them. Let no one or anything come between you and your happiness. Go for what makes you happy. There are many methods to conceive. Since you are still young. I guess you are lucky. You have many more years ahead of you TTC. Some of us started this journey late. Even when the hope seemed faded. We still managed it and we are now parents. With the gone age unlike you.


    I know of extracorporeal when dealing with cardiology. A case of interventricular septal defect secondary to blunt chest trauma is reported. It was characterized by a disconnection of the interventricular muscular septal in the anterosuperior part of the heart wall. Repair surgery of the defect with a Dacron patch was performed, using extracorporea normothermic circulation seven months after the accident. The patient was examined three months and twelve months after the operation; the clinical examinations did not reveal any cardiac murmur and the patient’s health was satisfactory. The incidence, mechanism of rupture of interventricular septum and the main surgical and clinical aspects of this type of pathology are discussed.

    Lilly Bens

    I have known couples who have had 6 years of TTC and have never given up. I know of some that when they were about to surrender, they had a beautiful baby. IVF is a method that many people in your position use. Many babies, millions, have been born by this method. They are healthy and beautiful babies. Do not think about it so much If you do not care about the way to get your baby, then go for it! Find a good clinic, change that silly doctor and start treatment. The faster you do it, the better. There is no worse battle than the one that does not fight. You can win this battle.
    Stay positive. You will see that everything will be fine. My best wishes. A hug


    I can imagine how it feels Berta. I still remember the day I was told that there were many ways to treat infertility. For me it was the first time I even heard that I word from a doctor. Infertility is something that happens to others, not you, but when it’s you then you are shocked for sure. Well, I am now waiting for a baby but haven’t been pregnant before. I loved my busy life I had, I loved being successful but when I heard about infertility I relaized nothing really mattered. I hope there is still something you can do about this. Keep strong!

    Bella Huges

    Hello there. You really need to calm down and think all of this through. I think you should go for IVF as it is a very easy and simple procedure and that way you will get to have your child in a very short time without any complications. Try finding a solution instead of worrying. I am very sure that a smart person like you will get her way through all of this. Stay strong.


    Hi darling! Do not give up, do not lose hope! You must believe in your dream! We have been waiting for 7 years …. Now I have a daughter, and this is the most important thing in my life)))


    I had dealt with the exact same issue for almost 2 years. the greatest lesson I learned was that running away from your demons only fuel them and they always come back stronger.Take your problem as is and accept all facts. IVF is a strong option but I would recommend getting a fertility test before that to see how much chance of success IVF has.Do not waste your money on it.the point you made about the immorality of extracorporeal would have been valid if life was beautiful because of the path it begins and not the path it takes. Take care of yourself I will be thinking about you.


    Hi, Berta dear! I hope you are good. I’m sorry that you have to go through such a bad phase in your life. Infertility has become a very common issue nowadays. I myself have gone through this phase. I know how hard it is for you to accept this fact. But I think we have no option left other than to accept the fact. The early we accept, the sooner we realize that life does not simply end here. We have so many other options to move forward. The method of creation does not really matter. You are right in this thing. What matters is that in the end, we get a child who is our own. We get all the happiness of the world. Choosing IVF or surrogacy is a wise decision. Convince your partner to search for them. Find a good clinic. Get yourself treated from there. May the odds be in your favour. Good luck!


    Hey, Berta, I am sure you’re sad and frustrated at life. However, trust me there is nothing to worry about and things will soon get better. When I was told by my doctor that my situation was very complicated. As medications and nothing was working out. I was really broken and couldn’t accept the reality. However, then my friends helped me find a clinic which did IVF and surrogacy treatments. I researched on them and now will soon be visiting them. I think you should look into this as well and feel free to ask and share your feelings. Sending baby dust your way.

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