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40+ years twin love

Home Forums Parenting Multiples 40+ years twin love

  • This topic has 22 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by mily.
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    I have a twin who is gay. We get along pretty much. I can even say that his child is mine. We have grown up together at my aunts place. Our parents passed away while we were 6. It was such a painful moment. I remember how devastated I was. Their death affected me more than even my brother. But he is such a strong man. He has been encouraging me all along. Even when I felt I had nothing left. He was there for me. I never felt the comfort that I wanted at my aunts place. It seems like my brother has been the only family I have ever had. That is after my parents death. When I got married it was so hard for me to get used to my husband. He was in a relationship with his boyfriend by then. But it took him a while before he married. Some family members were against his decision but I respected that. Being gay did not make him less of my brother. In fact twin love out beats it all. Have you guys gone through something like this?


    Twin love is so strong. It is said that twin are nearly like the same. That is their genetic make up is same. So you are the one to stand for your brother. If someone is gay that does not make him less of a human. I can understand how few years back they used to face isolation. But these days it is better. As days go by people start getting used to such. Even thus days we have the human rights standing for the LGBTQ community. Never desert your brother just because of the decision he has made. If that is who he is everybody should respect that. There is no need to start pointing fingers. Your parents died when both of you were young. He has been acting both figures. You should never desert him for anything in the world. Even if other relatives are against his decisions. You should stand with him whatever the situation.


    Well, this is really new. I’ve never heard anything like this before. It’s very different. What can I say? If you are happy then its great. It’s good for you. Best of luck.


    Indeed, this is extremely new. I’ve never heard anything like this. It’s altogether different. What would I be able to state? On the off chance that you are glad when it’s awesome. It’s beneficial for you. Good luck.


    Certainly, this is enormously new. I’ve never heard anything like this. It’s unmitigated different. What may I have the ability to state? On the off chance that you are cheerful when it’s astonishing. It’s helpful for you. That is their genetic makeup is same. So you are the one to stay for your kin. If some person is gay that does not make him to a lesser degree a human. Favourable circumstances.

    Jessica fields

    Well, twins stories are more or less similar. There is special binding between them. Maybe because they are more connected. I was scrolling through my news feed. I remember reading a story. It was quite similar to this one. There were twins. One of them was gay. Who got married recently. He wanted to have a baby. With his genes. So his partner used his sperm. The twin sister of that gay guy offered her womb. This way she thought that her brother will feel connected to the baby. This was the sweetest surrogacy story I ever read.

    Farah Smith

    A few years back Gays was treated like the curse but thanks God things are different now. if someone is gay doesn’t make him inhuman. Even if family members are against his decisions, you support her, be on her side.


    Hey. You just did a wonderful thing. It was the story of past to treat gay like a curse. But now in a modern world, everything seems possible. Nowadays gays can be a parent through surrogacy using a donor egg. I have also seen a video of gay surrogacy on youtube. That was just adorable. I am feeling so happy that surrogacy just changed the way of life for many of us. We all should appreciate this step and encourage them to form a family and live happily. Wish them congrats from me.

    Julia Christine

    Hey! I hope you will be fine. I heard a very different thing after a long time. In the past, gays were treated with odd behavior. But in the today’s World, everyone is getting their rights and nothing is so impossible. Now they can also have their family by using donor gametes. I have read a column somewhere who has the same case and adopted a baby, starting his family. Such things are going to be common in near future.


    It’s something new for me. I don’t have such an experience. But reading all your post makes me feel that you are happy. So don’t let others change your decision. It’s your life. It’s your choice. If you are happy. Do whatever you want to do.

    Julia Christine

    Hey Anna! I totally agreed with your opinion. Seriously, in the past, they don’t have any good reputation. But now, with the passage of time, people become so literate. Actually, they got out of ignorance. I also appreciate the methods that helping people to have their baby. It’s really a kind of blessing. I hope it will be commonized soon.


    I have read many stories relating to you on different forums. There are always some similarities between such stories. Maybe twin cases are more relevant to each other. This really filled me with deep joy. I have gone through such posts even before this. A story was quite similar to your story. There were twin brothers. Both of them were gays. They got married recently. The gay couple wanted to have a baby now. So, they opted for the surrogacy treatment. They went to a well-reputed clinic in Europe for surrogacy. The clinic provided them with a sound surrogate. Finally, after a long wait, their only dream came true. That was the best post I have read in my life before!

    Farah Smith

    I do agree with Emma13 here. These stories are all similar. I had seen the same story in my neighborhood too. Well people there was very narrow minded. Two gays married here in our colony, but because of these sick people they left this place. Now recently I met them in clinic. They are going to be dads very soon because of surrogacy. This is so amazing for me. Surrogacy is for everyone, every gender which makes me love this treatment. Thanks to the clinics who are making this thing possible. God bless all the gays around the globe. They are the part of this society and they should be treated with love and care.


    Hey Julie. How are you doing? Hope so you are having a good time. Well, I agree with you totally. Things are becoming better every day. People are now accepting it. Indeed surrogacy has also given them ease to feel like other human beings. We all should look forward to appreciating this wonder.


    It’s something new for me. I lack awareness about this. That such things are also possible through surrogacy. Congratulations to both of you. I am glad that you find your happiness through it. Keep it up. I wish you both have a bundle of happiness.

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