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Poor ovarian reserve and TTC

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    After a long ponder over my thoughts I finally decided to write about my infertility. 5 years back when I got married, MY DH and I straight away started TTC. However, month after month no results came. Now I was very irregular with my AF since the teenage years. On the top of everything I also had a severe eating disorder for which I was getting helped. We finally decided to visit the doctor who just by hearing my story told me to take Provera and then Clomid. I thought maybe he was very professional that he didn’t have to do any checkups. Anyways, I took the course but nothing happened the medicines were not working for me and due to them I was having a serious hair fall and other issues as well. After that my DH convinced me to visit a specialist. We visited her and she did a proper checkup and told us that my FSH levels were very high whereas my AMH levels were very low. This meant I had a poor ovarian reserve and this makes it very difficult to conceive. I was honestly heartbroken and I wasn’t sure what to do. One thing was completely clear in my mind that there are assisted conception methods that I could opt for. However, in the hometown, they are very expensive and I didn’t want this to be a burden. So now I am on a search for a good clinic which can help me and probably give me some hope.

    Shirley Akin

    Hey there! You came to the right place. Yeah there are many ways for assisted conception these days. But very expensive in America. You would probably be suggested to go for IVF, or surrogacy. Keeping in mind your condition that is. Ukraine is the best option for both of them. I had my ivf there. Had success in the first cycle. Yaayyyy…
    So I guess it is a good option. Look into that. I guess trying to search for good clinics is the best option to start with. And then you can contact the clinic and confirm the type of test you can go through. They’ll start you off nice. Good luck. I wish you get to have a baby soon. Much love. Xx


    If you have been diagnosed with low ovarian reserve, you should know that ovarian function depends on many factors some are age related, but others are life style related. Lack of certain nutrients in your diet, hormonal imbalance and stress can also negatively affect healthy egg production and be responsible for low ovarian reserve. The good news is that low ovarian reserve is reversible, when certain foods, vitamins and herbs are introduced into the diet. This is why many women with low ovarian reserve give up IVF after failed cycle and seek help from alternative medicine end up having babies naturally. Natural therapies do not over stimulate the ovaries, but simply supports the normal functioning of the ovary in producing follicles and maturing eggs. Consequently women that previously were not ovulating regularly, do so after natural treatment!


    oh so sorry to hear that. I can’t compensate your loss. But I can give you few words of condolences. It’s really hard for a woman to accept this fact. In this whole scenario, your DH support you a lot. I think the major role to cope with this difficult situation is played by your husband. You are lucky that your husband understands you. there are several women who can’t visit a specialist without permission. My wishes from the core of heart are with you. if you find the best treatment then you can conceive. In this era, no matter should be left uncured. Science has made much progress. So try to seek help from others forums too. this benefit you more. Stay happy and positive during your whole life.


    This is the only forum I would say, where I exactly got what I have been looking for on other forums. Europe is one of my lists. So much of positive response has allowed me to made up my mind for Ukraine. I have found various surrogacy journies of the intended parents there. They are quite amazing, and the coordinator of the clinic arranges Q/A sessions for the prospective couples or explains various stages of surrogacy. I would say they are doing a great job in creating awareness and the Ukrainian government has the most surrogacy-friendly laws. This is why Ukraine is the most sought country for surrogacy. I am flying next month there, hope everything goes as planned. Good luck rest of you.


    Congrats on your pregnancy. Your fresh transfer was a great comfort to me during my IVF.

    I find your fet experience so fascinating! I’m curious, do they do all the drugs because you don’t ovulate naturally? I ask because my FET was totally unmedicated – they tracked my ovulation, counted to day 5 after ovulation and popped embie in… That was it. I’m Australian, and we don’t do the progesterone injections unless it’s absolutely necessary (we generally do creams, but with a FET they let my body take care of itself).

    Anyway, I just find the difference so interesting. My first FET worked too (12 weeks today!) so I just wanted to say congrats – it’s an amazing thing!


    Hi there! I’m so sorry you have to go through this. TTC is a difficult time. I’m sure you’re very frustrated. However, surrogacy is definitely a great option for you. I think you should go for it. I did at my low time. I’m so happy with my experience. I have a beautiful little girl now. I can’t recommend it enough. I went to a clinic in Europe. Their rates were quite reasonable compared to those here in America. They even offered free accommodation,d food, and transport for our stay. How convenient? I wish you the same as me. Good luck!


    Hi dear! I believe you are doing good in life. If you could not conceive then it can be a problem for you and you won’t be able to live a normal life because you won’t be happy with whatever you do. You should not punish yourself for what you are. It is good to know that your DH is supportive. You should try surrogacy. It is a process in which a surrogate mother would give birth to a child and that child would be yours. All you need to do is to talk to your DH about all this and convince him. There are a good number of clinics in the whole of Ukraine that can help you solve your problem.Their rates are very much affordable.Couples who have been through surrogacy are living a very happy, balanced and normal with their child. I hope you succeed in whatever you choose for you in your life.

    Sasha James

    Hey there. How are you doing? I hope it’s all going great. I am really sorry to hear about your problem. I know it must be very hard for you right now. I can feel the sadness in your post.I have been on this path too. It broke me. I was very desperate. However, we were lead to a clinic it was affordable. If you do your research you might find one that suits you. I would suggest being strong and don’t give up. I wish you good luck. Take care. Hoping to hear good news soon.


    Hey, I am sorry for your loss. I know it is painful when you ty but unable to conceive babies. I am one of them. I was regular and conceived 3 times. I had 3 miscarriages then. I tried again but no results. I came to know that I have uterine polyps that broke my heart and I was depressed. I wasted 5 years in it. I turned 31 and still I was childless wife. My husband was supporting but I wanted to see him happy. I came to know about surrogacy so’ I talked to my DH and he agreed and we went for it and now I have a baby. We went to Europe for surrogacy. It was convenient for me as there is an affordable clinic. I am so happy and would recommend to the people who are doubtful about it.


    Hey everyone thanks for your overwhelming response. I have indeed found a clinic abroad. As I said in my previous post that I was on the hunt. I basically watched a ton of videos. I also looked at different posts by people. This one clinic was rated the best. I did my research on them and got in touch with them Even have attended one of their online meetings. So now I am going to visit them tomorrow I am excited yet nervous let’s see how things go in the end. Will keep updating you.


    Hello dear! I hope you are doing good. Surrogacy can be a solution to your problems. People who have tried it are living a healthy and balanced life. You should also try it. European countries offer the best services in this process. They have the best doctors with affordable price for their services. I hope you try them and fulfill all your desires.


    Glad to see you here on this platform. Being a mother I can understand that life without a child can be distressing. People who do not have children become pale in their lives. Try surrogacy, it can help you solve your problem. Clinics in Ukraine have been doing this job for quite a time and they have a pretty experienced team. People who visited there have been very much satisfied. I hope you too get your desired results.


    Hey Monika, sorry for your condition. But I really want to help you. I can not see any lady facing such a desperate situation as faced by me. I was also diagnosed infertility five years back. But my infertility is quite different. I am facing double infertility. This is a rare situation in which both male and female are infertile. I was advised by some lady on a forum like this to go for surrogacy. At that moment it seemed to be very strange to me. But then I researched a lot about this procedure. I found Ukraine best for this process. Next month I am going there for my surrogacy. This procedure is relatively cheaper there with maximum positive results. So, I strongly recommend you. I am sure soon I will share my success story on this forum.


    Dear Monika, hope you are trying hard and hard to fight your condition. Right now what is a barrier in your case is the low ovarian count. Although some medical experts consider it as a theoretical thing but still we cannot ignore it. It determines that how healthy are your ovaries to deliver the healthy eggs. It is the health of an egg that determines the extent to which a woman can be fertile. Even if you are planning to try IVF the ovarian health determines the nature of the IVF. The IVF type is considered according to the health of the ovaries and the quality of the egg. If the ovarirs are not working priperly the IVF parents might have to get an egg donor to assist them. Generally it refers to three possibilities in any woman: i) reduced number of oocytes ii) oocytes inability to develop. This can happen due to several reasons. Any accident, health hazard, reproductive ailment, and age can be responsible for the ovarian reserve deficiency. I hope you visit a good doctor soon. Keep your fingers crossed. I have full faith that you will soon be happy again.

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