
  • alianna replied to the topic IVF in the forum Transfer 6 years ago

    Hey, I hope you’re doing a fine. WWell, it is great that you have your husband support. A woman need her husband always in difficult time. I pray that you will have a baby soon. IVF is a good process. You need to go for it. I hope you’ll be a mom. My best wishes are with you.

  • alianna replied to the topic so tired in the forum Transfer 6 years ago

    I apologize to hear this. I know that a woman feels happy when she thinks she’s going to have a baby. The most beautiful feeling it is. Losing a baby will not be easy. I can feel the pain you are now going through. I know how to hurt you are. A woman wants to take her own baby. I think you should try again. Miscarriages are always hard for a…[Read more]

  • alianna replied to the topic Surrogacy. in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    So sorry to hear that. I know that it’s not easy to face at all, I know you’re in great pain. I’m glad you found the right place to ask for an opinion. Yes, I’m not in favour of adoption. You will not be able to accept the child heartily. I think surrogacy will work. But make sure you choose the right clinic. I hope for you the best.

  • alianna replied to the topic Surrogacy is a gem in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Hello, This is sad. This hard for a woman. Every treatment depends on the clinic you choose. It is always hard for a woman to choose these treatments. I am so happy that you choose this. I know many stories about it. Many people go for treatment. This is just because it is common nowadays. I hope you will have a plan. I wish everything goes right.…[Read more]

  • Hey, I hope you are doing great. I want to know about the clinic you are choosing. It will help us to know that whether it is right to go with an agency or not. It relies on the clinics. I hope you will go for the best. You will know about the price on the official websites. I think you should choose the best clinics that are reliable. If you do…[Read more]

  • alianna replied to the topic Children and Family in the forum Family Life 6 years ago

    Hello, This is an amazing post. You highlighted each and everything. Yes, it is hard sometimes. We should take care of it. Children have different hobbies and activities. Proper care should be taken in brought up by children. Raising a child is difficult. Every parent knows this. I think you understand what I am saying. I think you have done a lot…[Read more]

  • alianna replied to the topic IVF Donor Eggs in the forum Egg Donation 6 years ago

    I know you are going through a lot. It is hard but not impossible. Infertility is hard to overcome but you have to be confident. IVF is an amazing process. If you are comfortable so go for it. I believe you will have a baby soon. you should go for the treatment you are comfortable with. I am happy that you moved on and you are thinking about yourself.

  • hello, Good that you are helping people. People want all about this. Surrogacy is the best. Infertility is not a problem now. Many want advice. we should select trust worth clinic. I know some clinics. These clinics are best for surrogacy. They offer many facilities. They are also providing the skilful doctors. They have rich information. I hope…[Read more]

  • alianna replied to the topic Bringing The Baby Home in the forum Baby On The Way 6 years ago

    There is a contract that is signed for custody of the baby. when a baby is born so then surrogate has no right on the baby. This is the hardest feeling for a surrogate, she does it not for money but for someone happiness. People are opting for these process. Sometimes these are the last hope of the couples. Surrogacy creates links between people.…[Read more]

  • alianna replied to the topic bad experience in the forum International Surrogacy 6 years ago

    Hello, hope you all are fine. This really hurts me. Every clinic Looks for there own benefit. It is our responsibility to aware people. Everyone wants the best. But because of less information, they select the worst. Research is important and should be your priority. Grab full information about the clinic. So you will be aware of each and…[Read more]

  • alianna replied to the topic Need Suggestions in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Hello. How are you all? I just saw all the comments. So I thought to share my own with you. I was infertile. I was not able to conceive naturally. I wanted A baby. But that was a great problem for me. So I decided to go for surrogacy. Again big problem which clinic to chose now. So I did research. And came to know about this Clinic. I contacted…[Read more]

  • Hello, how are you all? I hope you’re doing fine. There are always ups and downs in life. I had a very sad past. But overcome that thing. I was infertile. Having a baby naturally was impossible for me. My friend told me about surrogacy. It is good to do a little research about the clinics before you go for it. So I did research and came to know…[Read more]

  • I hope you are doing fine. I was an infertile woman. I was infertile due to PCOS. I was so upset. I wanted to have a baby. In the end, I decided to go for surrogacy. I went to a renown clinic. It was situated in Europe. They were professionals. They have a baby now. They are happy with their decision. They have no more worries. It was the best…[Read more]

  • alianna replied to the topic don't lose hope in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 1 month ago

    Hello.Hope you all are fine. Life is full of sorrows and happiness. I am writing this because want to share my story. I am infertile. I want to give you all the inspiration. I tried many different ways. I was not able to conceive. My friend’s sister suggested me surrogacy. There are lots of good clinics around. I contacted a well-reputed clinic…[Read more]

  • alianna replied to the topic surrogacy in the forum Baby On The Way 6 years, 1 month ago

    Hello. I hope u all are fine. I have seen so many cases of this type. And have experience of all this, there is a clinic in Europe. It is famous for surrogacy. I hope for the best. They really help women conceiving overall. Here, so Many women don’t know about this. They chose bad clinics. So they may be betrayed by them. the clinic is renown for…[Read more]

  • alianna became a registered member 6 years, 1 month ago