Lauren Rhoades

  • Hey, there. You shouldn’t be afraid. Surrogacy is perfectly safe. Go for it, honey! I wish you the best of luck. My prayers are with you. There’s nothing to worry about, honestly!

  • Serena, I know you’d want to use your own eggs. However, I found out by researching that it’s better to use donor eggs. They are more likely to work. But, it is up to you. Good luck, honey. I hope whatever you go with, it works! You can do this!

  • Hello, Amelia. I’m glad you know about this before starting your journey. I made the mistake of rushing into a decision. I chose a clinic named Lot**. It was a terrible decision on my part. I suffered due to it. Good luck to you, though. I hope you have a great experience!

  • I totally agree with what you’ve said. Infertility is a massive curse. But, it’s great to see that there are so many treatment methods available. You should definitely go for surrogacy. It’s a great idea. Good luck to you! I really hope it works.

  • Hey. I hope you’re alright. I’m sorry you had to go through all that. Infertility is a nightmare. I’d suggest you go for surrogacy. It’s definitely better than adoption. I mean the biological connection is there! What else could you possibly want?

  • Hello, Kelly. I’m so sorry to hear about your situation. I think the fact that you are there for the entire conceiving procedure means surrogacy is better. But, it’s just me. You can think differently. I think surrogacy is a fabulous way of dealing with infertility. Good luck to you!

  • Such an informative post. You’re absolutely spot on. It’s so important to have families. And, for a family, it’s so important to defeat infertility. Thank you for this post. I’m glad you made this post. Keep up the superb work.

  • Hello, Tiffany. I hope you’re okay. I’m really pro-surrogacy. Which is why I love this! Thank you for this amazing post. You’re correct, this is the way to go about things. Keep up the lovely work!

  • Hey! Hope you’re alright. This is a great post. It is so informative. This gives me a lot of hope. I cannot thank you enough! You’re a gem!

  • Hello, Tiffany! This was really helpful! This is a brilliant post. Thank you for taking out the time to make this. It will help a lot of people. Keep up the superb work. You always deliver with the best content!

  • This sounds awful, dear. It must have been really hard. I know, I can understand. Please keep the faith, though. I’m certain things will get better for you. You can do this. Good luck to you!

  • Hello, Meggy. I hope you’re doing alright. I had such a terrible experience with one of these clinics. They are all scams! I’m glad you made this post. It will hopefully warn the new IPs not to go for it. Keep up the good work!

  • Lauren Rhoades replied to the topic Transfer in the forum Transfer 5 years, 11 months ago

    Hey, there. This is awful. I felt so sad after reading this. I’m so sorry you had to go through this. It must have been so hard. I can relate, though. I had a terrible experience. It broke me down! It was the worst time of my life. These clinics are honestly pathetic. Nobody deserves this kind of treatment. How can they still be functional? It’s…[Read more]

  • Hi, Tiffany. How are you? I hope you’re doing alright. Thank you so much for this. You have no idea how helpful this is. People LACK this information. Only people, who have gone through this, can realize how important it is! Thank you for doing this. You are doing a great job. Keep it up. This is nothing less than humanity service. You’re a great…[Read more]

  • Victoria, I think surrogacy is perfect. I think it’s the best decision for your friend. Look, I’m pro-surrogacy. But, it’s a sure shot. And, it’s expensive, yes, but it’s safe! You’re not the one undergoing the procedure. I think it’s a no-brainer!

  • Hello, Tiffany. This is a beautiful post. It’s great to see how much a surrogate can be proud of. Thank you for posting this. This was really nice of you. Surrogates are genuine heroes, you know. What they are doing, is incredible, really!

  • Lauren Rhoades replied to the topic Hey in the forum Surrogacy Agencies 5 years, 11 months ago

    Hello, Julie. It’s going to be a great event! I heard a lot about it. Actually, you know they changed the dates and the venue! They haven’t yet revealed where they’ll be hosting it, now. But, they have changed it. Thought, you should know. I am so excited! It’s going to be amazing. Ah, I cannot wait!

  • Hello, Moni. I agree with what you’ve said. Surrogacy is definitely something people prefer more, now. That’s because they get to have a biological child! What more could you possibly want? And, I heard about that clinic. They are doing a great job!

  • Hey, Betty. I hope you’re doing okay. I can share my experience. I really hope it helps you. I had a fantastic experience in Ukraine. It was with a clinic in Kiev. They were so good to me! Their treatment was brilliant. They helped me so much! It eased me mentally because I knew what they were doing was the best. Their doctors were geniuses. The…[Read more]

  • Lauren Rhoades replied to the topic A warning in the forum Surrogacy Agencies 6 years ago

    Hey, honey. How are you doing? I hope you’re okay. This is a sad story. But, I’m glad you shared it and I hope people take this warning. I’d like to share my story. I was devastated after my experience with these scammers. However, I came across a really good clinic. It was in Ukraine. They changed my life, honestly. They helped me out in ways I…[Read more]

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